Chapter 67 "Daddy issues"

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"Little princess..." A familiar voice that seemed warm to me spoke very close to me, in a comforting whispering tone. "Wake up, darling." Someone caressed my face, brushing away some wide hair locks from it. I let out a light grunt as I realized that person wanted me to wake up, I felt so confortable...

I turned to the side surprising myself when I notice I hadn't slept curled up in a ball facing the wall, then I opened my eyes, not fully but narrowing them, still having a blur vision of what was in front of me but being able to distinguish the shape of a man. He was the one who continued caressing the side of my face so I would wake up. I recognized the light bear on his face, the freckles on his nose and the hazel color of his eyes.

"Daddy?" I firstly let out feeling dizzy and heavy, even disoriented. I've never struggled so much with waking up... However, I don't remember to have ever slept as good as tonight.

"Yes, little princess..." Dad kept smiling at me. "But I won't ever let your sister in charge of sleeping you. You are raving."

There were three words in that sentence that made me come to my sense; sister, sleeping and raving. Everything began to make sense in my mind as I remembered the last thing I heard before sleeping.

It's not personal, sister.

I opened my eyes widely as I abruptly sat up, stepping as far away from Isaac as possible, what wasn't much because he was sat on the bed in which I was peacefully drugged seconds ago, what made me think that the effects of the sedative might not have worn off yet. Having to sit up suddenly increased my headache as well as allowed me to detect a couple more of stabbing pains, one much milder in my right thigh, which led me to the hypothesis that the chloroform was not the only sedative that knocked me out and a second one seemed to hurt more as the seconds passed by. I took two fingers to the back of my neck where I bumped into a gauze.

I sigh escaped my mouth as I closed my eyes tightly for some seconds, hating how I felt more relieved now that the chip was gone than scared because the chance of someone tracking me was gone too. Isaac smirked, he knew what he had done and Ruby, who stood behind him, did too.

"You can't imagine since how long has our met been planned, little princess. You can't really think that I would let something as tiny as a tracking chip stops me." Isaac finally got up, he seemed to take off the dust of his jacket that I was sure it was pretty expensive and stood still as his eyes analyzed me.

I would have seen this as an easy chance to try to escape if the headache wouldn't have been so awful though I was determinate to give it a try but once again, that man that blood forced me to call my father seemed to read my mind.

"If I were you I would be a good girl and behave. You have already seen what your sister is capable of and I can assure you that she's much more powerful than she showed in that crappy school your mother sold you to." He smirked, staring into my eyes, I wasn't wearing contact and he seemed to be hypnotized by my diamond eyes. I could tell he had something more to add. "However you and Ruby aren't the only superhumans in the room, you had to inherit your powers from someone."

I could tell that was an uncover threat despite his friendly tone so I decided to stay right were I was, I felt weak after all but I wasn't up to let them know about the headache that tormented my mind, instead I took off the gauze that covered the wound that was left after taking the fucking chip of me, erasing each and every of the stitches that formed a scar that I kept.

I always kept all the scars that dirtied my skin, I was smart enough to use my power to make them apparently invisible to the rest but they were still there. Scars were a sign of weakness, they were the result of something that got to hurt me and mark me so they needed to be out of my skin but I've never got strength enough to make them fade forever... I knew I could do it, I was enough powerful but I guess that after all those weaknesses that once beat me up were a necessary remainder.

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