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Complete Miscommunication

The New Directions lost Nationals

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The New Directions lost Nationals. Even ignoring how the group will disbanded, what was even more frustrating was that they lost to Throat Explosion by half a point. It was a half a point that kept the club from staying. As annoyed as they were, there was nothing they could do.

All the alumni made their way over to the club to say their goodbyes. Mercedes and Rachel were having her own diva feud which meant that everyone was distracted. Perfect time for Quinn to pull Becca aside. "I don't know if I can do this."

Knowing what Quinn was referring to, Becca tries to calm her down. "Yes you can," the brunette assures her. "I believe in you. And you told your mom and Puck and they all are okay with it."

"Puck did call himself my les-bro..." Quinn admits much to no one's surprise. That sounded like him.

"And you know Mercedes is single, Tina's single and Rachel might be ready to start dat-" the blonde immediately covers the other girls' mouth. Quinn does find Rachel to be very, very attractive but does admit that she doesn't know if they would work for very long (or if Rachel is not straight). They are just good friends. Same with Mercedes and Tina (who the blonde also realized she had a crush on both of them in high school). 

Besides there was another issue that wouldn't make a relationship with any of them work. "I have a girlfriend."

The girlfriend that Becca has not seen any photos of or has never seen a photo of. She only got the name and through some internet stalking (that her and Jay did cause her Irish friend wasn't jealous or anything), so she knows the name and what she looks like. 

She at least knows the girl is real.

But Becca said all that to calm her nerves before she spoke to the group. It was something that helped her before coming out as bi to the club and even though Quinn's not coming out in song, she was still terrified... But if she did, Becca and Quinn both agreed it would be 'Little Miss Perfect' is too one the nose.

After Mr. Schue introduced Quinn, she went to the front of the group. "So I've struggled with this part of myself for my entire life and I didn't come to terms with it until a couple weeks before graduation. I have someone who is very special to me coming to town so I feel like I need to tell you all that I'm gay and the special person is my girlfriend."

Everyone was not surprised considering how she acted like she was witnessing Jesus appearing in front of her every single time one of the girls performed in the club. Then there were the pornographic pictures Quinn drew of Rachel... 

All normal, heterosexual behavior.

"Hold up. So you knew you liked girls when we hooked up at the wedding?" Santana asks. 

"I did."

"Damn it. I wanted to be your gay awakening."

Speaking of gay awakening, Kurt was worried for her. He knew how much her Christian faith was intertwined with her high school life and didn't want to hear that one of his friends was suffering over figuring things out. "Why didn't you talk to me or Blaine or Santana or Britt or Becca. We know what you were going through."

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