01.5 You've Got Mail (Bonus)

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Kurt had something very, very important to ask two of the most important people in his life. He had a feeling he knew what their answer would be, but at the same time, he couldn't say for sure. It was fine if they said no to his request.

He was hoping they would both say yes.

Waiting for them to come to the Hudson-Hummel residence, he didn't think time would tick this slowly. The two of them were running late. All he got was a 'be there soon' text from Becca but that was thirty minutes ago. 

Finally, the door suddenly opened and a snickering Finn walked in followed by a Becca with her head hung low. "What's going on?" Kurt asked, standing up.

"Don't say a word Hudson," Becca snaps. "Not a fucking word." 

Finn didn't care about that request and was going to tell Kurt what happen. "Becca finally got her mail story", he teases.

"I'm a good driver," she defends before Kurt could even ask what happened. "I didn't nearly kill one like Finn did or cause any damage to a mail truck like you did Kurt."

Back in Kurt's sophomore year, he invited Blaine over to his house to hang out. It was strictly platonic and Kurt totally didn't have a crush on Blaine or anything and was using this as a subtle way for them to hang out more or anything like that. Absolutely not. 

When they were on the road, Kurt got behind a mail truck at a stop. The light turn green and Kurt turned into a residential area, following the mail truck. Everything was fine... Until it wasn't. 

The mail truck made a sudden stop and Kurt was totally paying attention to the road and was not distracted by Blaine's smile or anything. Fortunately, he looked in time and was able to break and nobody got hurt... Except the car did... When he rear ended the mail truck.

Burt was not happy when he found out. But when you get in an accident with the son of a man who's job is repairing cars, you can get a decent discount on your repairs that Kurt had to pay... He also got a lecture from his dad on safe driving that Finn recorded for blackmail... 

Figuring the worst, he looks at Becca. "What did you do?"

She didn't want to answer. While she was at the point where she could joke about it, doesn't mean she wanted the world to know. So Becca mumbles something that neither boy can hear. "I'm sorry," Finn chuckles, knowing exactly what happened. "What was that?"

Again, she tries to mumble it, but neither of them let it go until she finally admits her mail related sin.

"I uprooted a mailbox..."

Once she confessed, Finn went into greater detail. Describing how she just picked him up from college and instead of taking the main road, she insisted on taking side streets. She claimed they were faster (at least according to her mom they were).

But one wrong turn and then another and they were completely turned around. "So we're at a dead end and she's like 'I have to turn this sucker around'". He raises his voice near the end so it sounds more like hers.

"But then she backs up and we hear this loud thud," he exclaims. "I look over at Becks and she's looks like she's about to pass out-"

"I thought I just killed someone," she interrupts. "I'm sorry for panicking. I don't want that crap on my conscience."

Finn got that. "So being the good older brother I am, I got out to figure out what happened." He wasn't going to let her check in case she did hit someone (or an animal). He did not want her to be scarred by seeing a dead body or have a panic attack for killing an animal. "Mail was flying everywhere and I see the mailbox airborne. And-"

"And then it landed right in front of the fucking mail truck," Becca finally laughs. "As if my humiliation of destroying public property wasn't enough. I had an god damn audience."

Unfortunately, the mailman had just put the mail in the box. All his hard work was just ruined by a clown with a drivers license (no matter how many times she claims she's a good driver). 

Doing the walk of shame to the front door of the house, she waited with Finn who was her emotional support (and witness). After exchanging information with the homeowner about how she is going to get them the money to get a new box and she called her parents to tell them the news while Finn calmed her down. It took a little bit before they left... Finn drove them here since she was not getting behind the wheel for a good hot minute.

As nobody got hurt, Becca was less terrified and willing to be poked fun at. Hence Finn being a little impish and was teasing her. She took in in strides when it was just him, but she didn't want everyone to know... But she was okay with Kurt knowing. "Okay, you can laugh," she tells Kurt.

He was about to, but mostly at the connection he made. "The post office probably has pictures of all of now with 'Warning: Avoid At All Cost' plastered all over. We terrorize them no matter where we go." It was something that they were all officially bonded together.

Once they all calmed down, Finn looked at his brother. "But what did you want to ask us little bro?"


The entire reason why they are all here together.

Kurt sits them both in front of him and cut right to the chase. "For my wedding, I want you both to be my best man and woman."

Once the request was processed, Finn and Becca looked at him in shock. Kurt continues. "You both are my family and two of the most important people in my life. I know the wedding is a long ways away since Blaine and I are enjoying a long engagement, but I'm excited and wanted to ask you both now. I know it's normally only one person for the role but we know none of us really care about that and I want you both at my side... I don't have anything to give you both as tradition states I should, but what do you say? Will you do it?"

Becca knew her answer. "Yes... I'm honored of course I will."

While Finn knew his answer, he couldn't share it since he started crying. Not expecting this out of him, Becca puts her arm around him while Kurt grabs his hand, wanting to know what's wrong. He expected this to be good news and not something he'd get upset over.

The thing was, he wasn't upset... It was the exact opposite. "It's just," Finn starts, trying to stop crying. "After everything I did to you our sophomore year with the bullying and then what I said to you... I can't believe you forgave me especially when I knew that people called you that nearly everyday. I cared about you then and I didn't want to be the guy that makes you scared. Somehow you forgave me... I know I'm an idiot but I don't think you realize how glad I am to be your brother and  that I'm just as important to you as you are to me Kurt." Finn wanted Kurt to also be his best man with Becca but Rachel called him first to be hers.

Did it take Kurt awhile to forgive Finn? Yes.

But even after every time Finn fucked up, he always tried to do better and fix his fuck ups. " I love you, Finn. You big lug." Kurt teases as he pulls Finn in for a hug.

"I love you too Kurt," he tells him. After giving love to his brother, Finn pulls Becca into their hug. "And I love you too, Becca."

"I love you Finn," Becca adds. "You too Kurt."

At the end of the day, these three will always have each other.

Even if USPS hates their guts. 

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