02. Showmance

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"I love those losers" 

"I love those losers" 

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Mr. Schue was back on board with the coaching the New Directions and wanted them to do the song that he thinks will get the team to Regionals, disco. Once Becca and Kurt clean themselves off after being thrown into the dumpster- both glad that they have each other to lean on -they make their way to the choir room. Performing Le Freak went as well as anyone would've expected it to since it got cut short by Mercedes nearly getting kicked in the face by Rachel.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hell to the no!" Mercedes exclaims looking at Rachel, "First of all, you try to bust my face again and I will cut you. And also, this song is terrible." The group of teens look at him in agreement. 

"Okay, no, no-" Mr. Schue says trying to not have his idea shot down by a bunch of teenagers. "It's not the song. You guys just need to get into it."

"No it's the song." Kurt confirms. "It's really gay."

"Agreed and dated." Becca adds on.

"We need modern music, Mr. Schue." Artie says, the group all agreeing with him.

"I'm sorry guys." Mr. Schue apologizes, "We don't have time to discuss this. We're doing this song this Friday at the pep assembly." This got all the students but Rachel suddenly get very nervous. 

"In front of the whole school?" Tina asks which Mr. Schue happily answers yes.

"Are you trying to get us killed?" Becca questions, quietly so only Finn actually heard her, causing him to suddenly become more fearful of his life.

"They're gonna throw fruit as us and I just had a facial." Kurt adds on, Rachel standing up for her friend saying that she'll make sure there are legal ramifications if it happens.

"Guys, I can't express to you how important this assembly is." Mr. Schue pleads with the group, "We need recruits. There are seven of you and we need to qualify for Regionals with 12. Sectionals too. We have no choice or... the club is over. I know you guys don't like the song but we took Nationals back in '93 with 'Freak Out'. It's a crowd pleaser." The group does not find this in any way reassuring because that was almost 20 years ago. But not letting their disinterest damper their spirits, "Trust me, we'll have lines of people wanting to try out for Glee Club."

Nobody in the club believed him. Not at all.

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