Aspiration to the Heavens: Be...

By ImperialSun

373K 18.8K 9K

How far would you go to achieve your dreams? That's a question that Lei's been asked a lot in his life as a... More

[Revised/Edited] Prologue: Tale of a Magus Maximus
Novus Magus' Book Trailer & Table of Contents
[Revised/Edited] Episode 1: The Warrior of Wind Rises
[Revised/Edited] Episode 2: Echo like Thunder
[Revised/Edited] Episode 3: That Which Must be Shielded
[Revised/Edited] Episode 6: Change
[Revised/Edited] Episode 4: Farewell
[Revised/Edited] Episode 5: Loose Ends
[Revised/Edited] Episode 7: A Prison of Luxury
[Revised/Edited] Episode 8: Runaway
[Revised/Edited] Episode 9: Conspiracy
[Edited/Revised] Episode 12: The Boy in White
[Revised/Edited] Episode 10: The Fae Child
[Revised/Edited] Episode 11: Noble Moon
[Revised/Edited] Episode 13: A Lost Dream
[Revised/Edited] Episode 14: Child of the Stars
[Revised/Edited] Episode 15: Testing One's Limits
[Revised/Edited] Episode 16: Child of Wind
[Revised/Edited] Episode 17: The Enigmatic Stranger
[Revised/Edited] Episode 18: Rush to the Testing Site!
[Revised/Edited] Episode 19: Fleeing From Past Memories
[Revised/Edited] Episode 20: Coming Together
[Revised/Edited] Episode 21: The Gadfly
[Revised/Edited] Episode 22: Winds of Rage
[Revised/Edited] Episode 23: Battle of Skills!
[Revised/Edited] Episode 24: Teamwork
[Revised/Edited] Episode 25: Giving it your all!
[Revised/Edited] Episode 26: A Prince's Doubts
[Revised/Edited] Episode 27: Return of the Lost Butterfly
[Revised/Edited] Episode 28: The Child of Water
[Revised/Edited] Episode 29: Friends
[Revised/Edited] Episode 30: Wishing for More
[Revised/Edited] Episode 31: Thunder and Lightning
[Revised/Edited] Episode 32- The End and the Beginning
[Revised/Edited] Episode 33: The 'Weak' Ones
[Revised/Edited] Episode 34: Freezing Time
[Revised/Edited] Episode 35: Outrunning Time
[Revised/Edited] Episode 36: The Fist Versus The Sword
[Revised/Edited] Episode 37: Data-Broker
[Revised/Edited] Episode 38: Determination and Surrender
[Revised/Edited] Episode 39: Enigmas
[Revised/Edited] Episode 40: Saints and Stars
[Revised/Edited] Episode 41: Earth Shaking Clash
[Revised/Edited] Episode 42: Poison and Crystal
[Revised/Edited] Episode 43: Golden Flames
[Revised/Edited] Episode 44: The Raging Beast
[Revised/Edited] Episode 45: Flames of a Dark Future
[Revised/Edited] Episode 46: Clash Between Friends
[Revised/Edited] Episode 47: Dance of the Swords
[Revised/Edited] Episode 48: Battle of the Warriors
[Revised/Edited] Episode 49: Furious Battles
[Revised/Edited] Episode 50: Reaching for the Lost
[Revised/Edited] Episode 51: To the Moon
[Revised/Edited] Episode 52: Noble Sun
[Revised/Edited] Episode 53: Lunar Thunder
[Revised/Edited] Episode 54: Aspiration to the Heavens
[Revised/Edited] Episode 55: Spirit Duel
[Revised/Edited] Episode 56: Eclipsing Confrontation
[Revised/Edited] Episode 57: Resentment
[Revised/Edited] Episode 58: The Fox-Child
[Revised/Edited] Episode 59: School of Our Dreams
[Revised/Edited] Episode 60: Court of Dreams
[Revised/Edited] Episode 61: Climbing Ryuu no Yama
[Revised/Edited] Episode 62: Gathering
[Revised/Edited] Episode 63: Unfair
[Revision/Edited] Episode 64: Hotsuku Dorm
[Revised/Edited] Episode 65: Secret Revealed?
[Revised/Edited] Episode 66: The Prince and the Peasant
[Revised/Edited] Episode 67: Discrimination
[Revised/Edited] Episode 68: Sibling Struggle
[Revised/Edited] Episode 69: Washing Away One's Cares
[Revised/Edited] Episode 70: Quality Time
[Revised/Edited] Episode 71: Nightmare
[Revised/Edited] Episode 72: The Eight
[Revised/Edited] Episode 73: Labyrinth of Illusions
[Revised/Edited] Episode 74: Potion Explosion
[Revised/Edited] Episode 75: Flames Within the Shadows
[Revised/Edited] Episode 76: Yuuta Akiyama
[Revised/Edited] Episode 77: Getting Acquainted
[Revised/Edited] Episode 78: The Art of Tool-Synthesis
[Revised/Edited] Episode 79: The Lightning and the Ogre
[Revised/Edited] Episode 81: Striving Forth!
[Revised/Edited] Episode 82: Blending into the Shadows
[Revised/Edited] Episode 83: The Salamander
[Revised/Edited] Episode 84: Glorious Revival
Episode 85: Preparations for the Festival
Chapter 86: Investigation
Episode 87: Glorious Stars
Episode 88: Silent Treatment
Episode 89: Draco
Episode 90: Shattering Mask
Chapter 91: Recruitment
Episode 92: Unmasked
Episode 93: Clash of Flames and Lightning
Episode 94: Suspicions and Disbelief
Chapter 95: Someone to Talk to
Episode 96: Denial and Betrayal
Episode 97: Overcoming Sorrow
Episode 98: Preparing for Revenge
Episode 99: Battle for the Title of Strongest 1st-Year
Chapter 100: Winning
Chapter 101: Sly Cat
Episode 102: Freezing the Masked Ones
Episode 103: Despair
Chapter 104: A Sea of Confusion
[Edited/Revised] Episode 105: Fierce Rain
Episode 106: Remembered Once More
Episode 107: Owari no Me
Chapter 108: The Serpent and the Weasel
Episode 109: Undead
Episode 110: Ill Omen
Episode 111: Sacrifice
Chapter 112: Saving the Ruins
Episode 113: Fall of the Serpent
Episode 114: Preparing for the Triplets' Birthday
Episode 115: Searching for a Club
Episode 116: Remnants
Episode 117: Student Council Elections
Episode 118: Representatives of Strength!
Episode 119: Clash of the Foxes
Episode 120: Battle of the Honor Students
[Edited/Revised] Episode 121: Tournament Finale!
Episode 122: Saying Goodbye
Episode 123: Darkness
Epilogue: Novus Magus Secundus
Q&A Omake-Lei
Q&A Omake-Iah
Q&A Omake- Nyima
Q&A Omake-Adela
Q&A Omake- Ayawamat
Solar Note- Editing of NM and details on the Sequel
List of Milestones

[Revised/Edited] Episode 80: Roaring Gust

901 79 26
By ImperialSun

"A Lonely Wind returns"


I gave the proctor the most innocent grin I could, even more so than the one I had flashed Nyima outside. "I mean Mr. O' great one."

The man glared at me, clearly not buying it. "Continuing on. The next area involves the source of magic itself, prana. You will be tested on various areas which are: Prana stored in your magicae organum, prana flow, and prana restoration speed. Of course, I'll also take into account your elements, seeing how they all cause prana to function differently."

"Wow, this really does sound like the entrance exam all over again. Can we who passed it just be excused?" I asked.

"Yeah, can't we?" Hal asked, giving him his best smile.

"Would save us a lot of time," Brother said, nodding.

"Sure would," Sister whispered, afraid to have the man's wrath directed at her.

The man slammed my desk once more. "Listen here, Mr. Funny guy, you will take the test. This test is far more difficult than the entrance exam. In fact, they should have used this for the exam... instead of the easy test they had. I mean, comparing mediocre against mediocre doesn't mean much."

Iah snickered. "Oh, did you just call us exchange students mediocre? You will regret your words."

"Fine, then let us begin," he said. "We'll be going to the gym."

I jumped to my feet and gave the ogre man a toothy smile. "My magic will blow you away, literally," I said.


We returned to the gym where we had met the eight. This time instead of an illusionary labyrinth-like jungle gym were the same devices that we had used for the exam.

"You are to hit certain goals. They will start small, but gradually increase. The more of them that you manage to complete, the higher you score."

Ulissis face turned pale.

Alto patted him on the back. "You will be fine... I think."

"Why did they give me this class?" he asked, shaking his head. "I can't..."

"Well, that's likely why," Hal said, nudging him forward.

'Does this guy have magic or not? He did somehow manage to pass the entrance exam, so he must have it. Or how else would he have been allowed into Nine Petal?'

"Now, everyone, spread out. I assume that you all know how to use these machines by now."

We all spread out and entered one of the cubicles and placed the sphere against our stomachs. "Pour your prana into the sphere as fast as you can."

This time I managed to get my results quicker than during the entrance exam.

"Incredible," he said. It sounded as if he were standing close to us exchange students. "This time, fill it up in a second!"

I did it on time.

"No way..."

I put down the sphere and walked out. "Who did you call mediocre, huh?" I asked, grinning. "Certainly not Lei Lan, the next Magus Maximus, right?"

"Next... why you, cocky brat." He sneered at me. "You truly believe that a boy from a backwater like Wahkan can one day usurp the throne?"

I shook my head at him. "Do you not know your history? Rios was once considered a lawless backwater when Aqua came to the scene. She was the creator of the current empire."

He continued to sneer. Swatting the air, he said, "Of course, I do! I am not some fool who was just born the other day! But a child like you doesn't deserve to be Magus Maximus over someone like me."

"Oh, you're aiming for the title too, Mister? Then I'll gladly take you on as a rival," I said, holding out a fist toward him. "I won't lose to you or anyone else when it comes to achieving my goals in life."

"Such confidence," Iah said, appearing behind me. He slapped me on the back, almost making me stumble to the floor. "But you still have to overcome me."

I regained my balance and spun around. "I will! One of these days I shall show you up."

"Ohh, Lei," my brother and sister said, snickering from afar.

"You two, shut up, the test isn't over yet," 'Mr. Ogre' said, crossing his arms.

"Bring on the rest!" I cried out.

The man shook his head at me. "Ugh, I don't understand what Lady Koukyuu sees in such a fool." He turned his golden eyes toward Ulissis. "As for you... How were you allowed to pass? You didn't fill that sphere at all. Did you manage to bribe your way in?"

"It is none of that," a voice echoed. All of the students directed their eyes toward the pair of doors. Standing in front of them was Koukyuu who was accompanied by Ms. Key and a young man with short black hair. He was dressed in silver armor and had what seemed to be a rifle strapped to his back. The guy seemed oddly familiar...

"Oh?" 'Mr. Ogre' asked, raising an eyebrow at her. "Then please tell me how you folks managed to pass this inept excuse for a 'mage', not that he is deserving of that title."

"He's not inept!" Alto yelled, sending sparks of cyan flying out of his fists.

"Calm down, Alto," Adela said, putting a hand over his shoulders.

"Are all lightning mages like this?" Nyima asked, gazing back at me.

I snickered. "I would ask the same about you water ones."

Sarah and she rolled their eyes at me.

"He's right..." Ulissis said, keeping his head down. "I am useless."

"Are you now?" asked the black-haired young man with Koukyuu. His emerald eyes glanced over at my siblings and my team. He smiled as if he knew us. "If Koukyuu here managed to acknowledge you then you must have some impressive power. Trust me, it took me a while to get her to acknowledge mine."

Ulissis glanced up and smiled slightly.

"So, what exactly makes him special?" 'Mr. Ogre' asked, staring at Koukyuu skeptically.

"He can deflect magic somehow. I had him be admitted as I desire to see just to which extent his power goes."

"Deflect magic? You mean like barriers? Or as in him being an anti-mage? Because if it's the latter then..."

Koukyuu snickered. "Oh, come on, you know that anti-mages are rare. You really think one would pop up in a country like Sefa?"

Ms. Key glared at her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Koukyuu turned to look at her. "Not what you think. I mean, Sefa lacks magic. Anti-mages in a country with little magic would be... odd to say the least. A true abnormality. No, I believe that this young man here possesses the power to create a sort of undiscovered prana cloak."

'Mr. Ogre' turned his back to her. "I see... then take him away. The way he currently is, he's unlikely to pass this class."

Ms. Key nodded. "I'll have him switch classes, come, Ulissis."

Ulissis smiled and followed her out. I wouldn't have minded being taken with him. I mean, the class wasn't bad, just the teacher.

"What are all of you looking at?" 'Mr. Ogre' barked. "Let's return to the test or I'll make you all stay after class to finish it!"

"Yes, Mr. Ogre!" I said as I ran toward one of the tubes. "Opps, I mean, Mr. O Great one!" This time my nickname wasn't a slip.

"My name is Mr. Obi!"

I glanced back and saw Koukyuu snicker as she stayed back to watch. "Mr. Ogre certainly fits you, though. Don't you think so?"

Mr. Obi glared at her. "Have some respect for your elders, young lady. You must remember that despite your brother being married to the former queen of this nation, you are still only a low-ranked noble. So nothing about you puts you on top of me to warrant such a show of disrespect."

The black-haired boy scratched his head. "She may be low-ranked, but she certainly has more grace than you, Mr. Ogre." He grabbed Koukyuu's hand and pulled her away. "Let's go and meet back up with Sonata."

"Let go of me, I can walk there myself," she said, freeing herself from his grasp. She smiled at him. "Thanks, Hideo."

The boy's face flushed. "It's... nothing."

'Hideo?' I touched my head. 'Where have I heard that name before?'

**Character Section**

Hideo MakkuroyamaSex: Male Age: 26 Title(s): Knight of the Sniper Rifle, One of the Five Knights of Prophecy, The Man Who Pierced the Leviathan's Eye Power: Wind Home country: Kuroriku (Zionia (A.K.A. Realm of Angels))

**Solar Note: I hope that you enjoyed this chapter :D! What do you think of Mr. Obi/ 'Mr. Ogre' thus far? Also, any guesses as to what Koukyuu, Sonata, and the young man-- Hideo-- are up to?**

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