Chapter 39: Babysitter's Privileges

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[A/N] Second chapter of the double update wooo !!

The day was dragging on particularly slowly. The last class of the day and it was really beginning to sink in for me how tired I was from being in all these classes.

I realised that the reason I tended to sleep throughout class wasn't only boredom it was also to do with the fact that I stayed up pretty late and had gotten used to catching up on my z's at school.

But Jacob. Fuckin Jacob. The man had really been riding my arse today. Would not let me fall asleep for a second before he started jabbing me with his fucking pen or worst of all he'd call me up to the front of class to answer a question while he was reading from the textbook and I could just see the way the teacher was beaming in response.

She saw him reforming my character and was thinking 'isn't that wonderful, our perfect amazing prefect is fixing this broken lost boy'. It made me want to strip naked and tattoo a gun on my chest. Shit like that made me want to act out.

"Write it out again."


"No one can read that, write it out again." He demanded, ripping out a new page and shoving it in front of me.

I stared at the page of rapidly written answers to my left and glanced at the blank sheet before looking up at him. "You write it out again if you're so bothered."

He continued writing on his won pages wordlessly, completely ignoring me. The fact that he just expected me to do everything he said so confidently pissed me off to no end.

I took the paper he'd given me and scrunched it up in my fist, watching as he slowly turned to see what I was doing, a flash of anger in his eyes. I continued scrunching it up, enjoying the nice screams of the blank piece of paper as I murdered it in cold blood. Poor page had done nothing to me but I was ruthless.

His eyes were dark as he squinted at me, the light blue seemingly a dark cloudy blue. It reminded me of dangerous waves in the evening, a darker more muted colour competing with the foam frothing where friction passed.

I let the ball of paper sit on the desk and rested my head in my arms.

"Akara." He said, I knew it was coming... I could feel it in the hair on the back of my head that he was looking and was just waiting to dig his prefect claws into me.

I said nothing and didn't move.

"You want to stay awake for once?"

"How about you piss off?"

There was a gasp or two in the room and one of them was unfortunately from the teacher. Bugger. So unpredictable how sensitive some people are.

He raised his hand at her before she could speak and she actually shut up. How did they reason amongst each other with giving the guy so much power. Or did she even realise that he was manipulating her like that? I mean it was pretty obvious if I tried that on her she'd immediately use my raised hand to smack me with it so it wasn't all that fair that he got away with it.

"You want to apologise to her first? Or do I have to make you?"

I stared at him for a moment, my eyes slowly narrowing.

Well if that isn't the most shitty thing to...

I was too angry to say anything for a good half a minute.

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