Chapter 158: Tabitha is Apologetic

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[A/N] Is this Tuesday? Answer wisely readers.... ( •̀ - • )

Back when I wrote this chapter I rewrote it chapter three times ahh. But it was worth it, this is exactly right.

That said I'm late because I didn't think there was enough action in chapter 162, so I wrote a patreon chapter to supplement that, then changed my mind and wrote chapter 163. So I wrote 3 chapters again... but on the bright side when 162 comes up there will be a double update. ✧˖°

At about midday and just after the bell rang the lady that taught English, Mrs Harrods, left and was promptly replaced by two girls who were not in the class, not that that mattered once the bell rang, and no one seemed to notice as they slipped inside while everyone was hurrying to leave and found their friend.

I recognised them but thought nothing of it and instead watched Atlas leave with his friends, jostling each other as they walked past, one of them chucking a bottle at the other.

"Does Atlas know?"

"Atlas knows. We can go straight from school."

"You don't wanna change clothes for the date?"

"It isn't a date. Not with her anyway. I made it clear I was inviting her out for a meal to apologise."

"But you don't know what your dad said."

And what the hell is he going to think if he finds out the three of us went with him on this date with Tabitha. Even so I still had a bit of a fuzzy feeling about it. I mean the last four-way date we'd been on hadn't been so bad, embarrassing, awkward, but not bad. Maybe one day we could do something more interesting than the mall or a restaurant. Maybe I could take them with me to the skate park.

In an ideal world I could proudly walk around with both of them and not feel embarrassed at all, not be concerned about what people would think or whose father might put a hit squad out on me, but then again people knowing still managed to sound pretty intimidating of a thought to me.

He sighed. "Hurry up." Jacob ordered, waiting impatiently beside me, cold eyes watching my hands as I shoved all the loose papers into my bag.

I didn't say anything but started moving very slowly as I dragged my bottle millimetre by millimetre over to my bag and slowly turned to stare at him. Goading him.

His expression turned flat and he leaned in. "Akara don't give me a reason to punish you." He spoke, somehow not a whisper but quiet enough that the few people left in the room would have been more curious about the lack of space between us than the words spoken.

I scowled at him and chucked the bottle in my bag, zipping it up and slinging it over a shoulder.

"Don't you have a meeting?"

He nodded, pulling his sleeve back to check his watch wordlessly.

I tutted. "At the beginning of lunch, why anyone would pay real money to bribe the teachers into letting them be a prefect is beyond me."

I was referencing a real scandal that had happened the year prior in the year three years below. A student had paid off one of the teachers successfully bribing him to fix the votes so he could get elected as class prefect. About a week later the teacher confessed to a colleague after the students in the class started to get suspicious and the teacher was fired, the kid suspended.

"That boy was ridiculous, he should have been expelled." He replied, his voice heavy with disapproval, walking around a table to head toward the door as I followed close behind.

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