Chapter 178: The Boys Go to Therapy

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[A/N]  I'm here! I'm still alive... I'm suddenly swamped. So much to do and no time to do anything... I'd already written most of the most recent chapter so I was sure I could post it by Tuesday but ending it was a bit more complicated than I thought.

As for those keeping up with Floating Face Down I'm just editing the first of the two chapters and then I'll post it. I'll post TPKJ tomorrow.

I'm going to sleep immediately now because I have to get up again in four hours. "(  -  ⌓ - )

The house was already empty when I stepped up to the door and fumbled about with my keys, dropping them once and putting the wrong key in the lock twice. 

I'd said goodbye to my parents on my way out of the house. My mother let me know there was food in the fridge for me to have for dinner, my father told me not to get clever and drink or do anything "silly", as though I hadn't had plenty of time for that already... well then again he was right to be concerned.

I'd said goodbye to Gift at school, he'd brought an overnight bag with him and I'd watched him pack it with visible suspicion on my face but he brushed off my questions without answering them.

Really I felt about two inches tall walking into my room with them. Despite them having been here before it still felt like something else when I wasn't drunk guiding them through my house and up to my room. The whole process of unlocking the door and slowly and awkwardly climbing up the stairs  with the two of them behind me felt like swimming across the channel. 

Jacob observed the room as though he was inspecting a corpse, eyes carefully examining it square for square, while Atlas simply shrugged his backpack off and sat down in my bed, the entire mattress jolting slightly under his weight.

Atlas's eyes drifted toward the bookshelf and travelled along the rows and Jacob's settled on the closet.

"So uh..." I began, unwilling to take off my backpack even though I normally left it down at the entrance with my shoes. "I have um, I have coke... and water."

Atlas shook his head.

I felt like hugging myself, I was so anxious.

I wanted to distract them with something but I couldn't think properly, it was too hot all of a sudden and the room too quiet and small and getting smaller.

I took a long breath as Jacob slowly walked past my desk, examining it.

I thought for a moment that I might just be able to distract them out of it, if we all got tired before they thought of it then it would be too late and we could just go to sleep... Hopefully they'd let me sleep in the same bed with them again, it probably hadn't been that comfortable for either of them but it had felt so nice and I'd slept so well...

"My mom left food for us to-"

"The box." Jacob ordered.

My heart thumped loudly in my chest and I went still.


I didn't actually move initially, just froze and panicked internally, shoving my hands in my pocket, so I didn't know where his confidence came from when he casually strolled away from me, over to the bed Atlas was sitting on the left side.

He sat down and looked at me. 

I looked back at him.

"Akara." He said my voice low and quiet and it sent a hot chill through me and I pressed my lips together and wiped the sweat on the back of my neck off and opened the closet, hesitantly pulling down the box hidden in the upper left corner.

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