Chapter 145: Angry Boyfriend Number One

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I woke up between them like it was any other day, but we were closer together than usual, I think, maybe that was just in my head. It was warm, my legs and arms and back were tired and aching from the long hike, I felt like I'd falling down a mountain and gone back up only to fall back down again. But between the two of them I was warm, even with the thin shitty plastic cover and the texture of dying grass and soil pressing up from under us, where ever my sleeping bag, which wasn't deemed good enough to sleep inside, failed to cover.

I heard the whistle of the wind outside, and the rustling of other people waking up in the distance. Still dark, maybe in half an hour it would be recognisably day.

Of the two of them I knew Jacob had a small tester bottle of cologne on him I'd seen the day before, but I hadn't seen anything on Atlas and that bottle didn't look like it held much, so I wasn't sure why the scents that I recognised from both of them were so present, blending together so well.

I utilised the same morning sleepiness to nuzzle my head into Atlas's chest, my back against Jacob, his arm snaking around my middle. Warm, the heady musky scent driving toward me, cosy and safe.

I didn't want to think about what I'd agreed to, in fact my resolution not to think about it at all seemingly made the morning even more peaceful than before.

It took me a moment to remember that we were certifiably dating now.

If that had come up any other way I would have said no, I would have remembered to reject that offer, because of course it was ludicrous, dating two people, two guys, none of us knowing what the hell we were doing. There was no possible way to explain this relationship even going as so far as the fact that I was with either one of them, but trying to imagine going on some kind of typical romantic date with one of them was pretty damn impossible.

Something fancy like going to an expensive restaurant and... whatever else couples did that cost money. So what, we all show up looking like a bachelor party or something? If I was being realistic I knew that even with the title of 'dating' this relationship was likely going to fizzle out before graduation, but oddly it was hard to picture.

I felt weirdly glued to them, like we'd each entered some unseeable contract, agreed to the spirts that we were assholes that no one else deserved to suffer with.

When Atlas turned onto his back I realised for the first time that he'd taken his jacket and shirt off, and in the freezing cold he'd been laying there half naked, brilliant muscles on display for the tent ceiling to salivate over.

I gave him a quick glance over, my eyes lingering helplessly for about a greedy full minute, before I pulled the cover up over him and turned to look at Jacob, his arm moving as I turned, sliding over my side and up my back, pulling me closer.

I let him, shutting my eyes fast in case he woke up, the often cruel, unfeeling and cold expression on the face with such naturally glacial features was so calm and passive in his sleep.

Instead of ice, it looked like snow, that was the best description I could think of.

I just barely opened my eyes again, just barely raised my hand, and just barely traced his lips with my index finger, barely touching the skin, just brushing the air above them, I worried any second now he would wake up.

He didn't, I shut my eyes again and buried my head in his chest too, the brush of happiness felt so good.

I wanted more of that feeling, I wanted to get high on it all day, say in that zone, between the two of them, warm when it was cold, the condensation settling on the inside of the tent walls, the noises mainly far off, twittering in the trees, the muffled rustle of leaves, and as the sun rose up into the sky, fast illuminating our small space, the red tent began to turn everything inside it red as well.

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