Chapter 47: Callen is Coming

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[A/N] This really nice cover attached is by Malina (if you'd like your username attached to this let me know it love). They also made a cover for Skin & Bones and The Kings Personal Joker which I will share in the upcoming chapters for those books. Thank you darling.

Moving on...

Shit. Stupid fucking Callen.

I really couldn't be bothered to run like this but I'd never seen him so invested in trying to catch me in the wrong. The moment he saw me walking down the corridor he started fast-paced walking towards me and I booked it.

I guess I'd also never been in a position to avoid it, though. I figured whatever, he could give me as many slips as he liked and if I got a suspension in the end that would be great. A day off, legally, or whatever.

For some reason, now, I felt weird about letting him give me a slip. Jacob had let me off from getting in trouble, something I doubt he'd ever done in his entire life even as a tiny toddler Jacob that probably walked around handing out citations to other kids for them driving their toy cars too fast around the nursery.

So instead of just letting him slap a slip on my wrist I left. Part of me expecting him to lose interest and just get annoyed on his way home. After all, school was finished and we were technically free people now.

I walked as fast as looked normal towards the room at the end of the corridor to the right and slipped inside, trying to act normal around the people that were passing through, chatting eagerly with their friends as they headed on out like normal people.

I heard the fast paced walking even as I walked inside and knew Callen was approaching the hallway.

It didn't take him long to open the door that I had just gone through and I debated how crazy it would be to put a desk in front of it but figured that not only would that be trying too hard but I would probably get in way deeper shit for it. And it weighed much less than I though, I realised as I gave it a nudge with my hand.

As he opened the door I saw the door for the next room just at the other end, ran for it and just about made it in through the door.

Not that it wasn't obvious that I had just run in through there, because it was, he wasn't deaf, and even with the lights off I was pretty sure he could see the door close just a bit.

This room was what they called a storage cupboard, but it was actually a classroom they didn't use, reworked to store everything else they didn't use, and cleaning supplies.

There were a whole lot of chairs, I mean towers of them, a couple tables stacked, and some lockers that were twice the size of the ones anywhere else in the school.

I didn't question it, slipped inside and closed the door behind me, and when the door opened and Callen slipped inside my heart raced watching him through the gaps in the locker as he looked around.

"I can see you!" He said loudly. "Akara, I can see you..."

My heart raced, but I also knew that if he was saying that he was probably lying, because why wouldn't he just walk right up and open the locker door?

All things considered this was actually probably a good hiding place, this room was crammed full of shit it would be hard to pinpoint where I might hide. It was luck that there was a door to this room from the first one.

Nothing more embarrassing than being caught after running. I'd never run from a citation before so I really didn't like the idea of being caught as well.

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