Chapter 132: Mud is Thicker Than Water

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It wasn't bad. I mean I wasn't expecting any major disasters but... it wasn't bad.

There was something nice about the way the sun warmed the side of us as he moved through and the feeling of walking between, sometimes with Atlas in front and Jacob behind or just on either side, the both of them, felt good. Yeah, it felt good, comfortable.

While I could hear the other boys up ahead laughing and jabbing each other, having fun, shouting and trying to impress each other, the girls in their pairs or large group giggling and huddling close, I had this odd feeling of being blissfully cut off from it all.

A weird good feeling in my chest as I walked between them, calm, seemingly no posing, no desperation to prove oneself.

I'd never fit in like that. Socially there was a part of me that ran out of interest real quick, and suddenly in the middle of a group of people I just wanted to be home, surrounded by my degenerate manga, accidentally stepping on the fallen crisps as I fall head first in gaming until the walls around me disappeared.

But this wasn't hard, we were just quiet and I followed them and unashamedly watched the way they looked as they moved, hiking clothes looked good on them, or they knew what was flattering. 

Either way it was hard to ignore how disgustingly handsome they both looked, if we weren't so withdrawn from the other groups I knew the girls wouldn't have left them alone. Too attractive, well matched with enigmatic personalities as much as they annoyed and scared the shit out of me.

There was always a tension between us, a lot was left unsaid, barriers undefined, innately I had a feeling I knew what was coming but was too afraid to even bring it up. All of us seemed about an inch away from making some bad decision that would fuck us all over forever, but for the moment, just while we were walking, it wasn't too bad.

It didn't take long for the landscape ahead of us to change, the rolling hills each coming made from a new texture and shade. We remained near the head of the group with Mr Brisby leading the charge and Miss Westfield somewhere behind us to make sure no one was getting lost, but slowly the groups began to grow further apart, more and more so until people fell away both before and behind.

Actually there weren't that many people, considering the school hired two coaches you'd think there were more but it was about twenty-five kids in total, clearly not that many kids were in set one for everything, and I figured a lot of the girls weren't interested. Technically anyone who didn't want to go on the trip but qualified would have off days at school, which made a lot more sense, especially when it began to rain.

We weren't even half way to the campsite when the sky began to spit on us, having split itself into a half sunny blue and a half sheep's wool white, under which we apparently were walking.

As we trudged on the groups began to separate into three, those far ahead in front, those far behind, and those somewhere in the middle, quite possibly getting lost, which was us.

It might have been my fault. The laces on my trainers came undone and while I was doing them back up the group ahead of us slowly disappeared. Slowly getting exhausted I couldn't be bothered to chase after them and neither Jacob nor Atlas seemed too worried about it.

We have a map, I reminded myself, and at least one of them knows where the fuck we are on it.

I wasn't too optimistic, though, as we stared moving down a well trodden muddy path that was taking us down a gentle slope, the rising hill some distance ahead of us not the most energising image. 

"Why is it so damn muddy, my legs are going numb..." I groaned. The further I seemed to walk the more it seemed to suck my trainers in with each step, creating a slight vacuum effect and becoming unwilling to let go.

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