Chapter 175: Marsh is Making Friends

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[A/N]  Hello my darlings. I didn't update last week, so when I post chapter 179 I'll post it together with 180, so you'll get two chapters when they come up.  ˖ ࣪‧₊˚✩

Also ! I mentioned there being a short Patreon story I would make public for a few days. That's about finished but I need to sleep a little before going over it.

I will post the link to that chapter on my Twitter page, sorry to direct people to that site (> < ) (@OkiNeptune) and post the link on my main Wattpad page, so if you follow me you should be notified, I think?


I give this chapter..... 🚞🚞 2/5 cliffs!

[Mr Marsh's POV]

I was freezing when I woke up and shivering violently. There was such a medley of pain that I couldn't initially take in that I was naked and lying in the mud. A blinding pain shot through my head and I hissed into the ground my hands on my temples. It went away, but for a moment I wasn't sure which was worse, the cold or that splitting, piercing pain.

The noise that had woken me up greeted me again, the loud snorting of a pig, it made me jump and the second time it came closer I scrambled on all fours, and struggled to get onto my feet.

Did pigs usually come in those sizes?

I was breathing heavily when I saw it staring at me, not moving, just staring at me with it's disgusting pig eyes, nearly completely hidden by the bulging fat forehead.

I scrambled onto my knees and grabbed a stick, breathing heavily, rasping as I shivered at the same time. My fingers were so cold they were numb, I could barely feel how wet and soft the stick felt.

Where was I, why was there a pig here? I whipped my head around as fast as I could while keeping the shitty fat thing in sight. There was a fence behind me, not a tall one but probably electrified. How the shitting hell did I get out of here?! How did I get in?!

Everything hurt. I could barely see, a permanent squint to one of my eyes. Even if I felt my face it wouldn't matter because I couldn't feel my bloody fingers.

"Get the fuck awa- awa- away from me..." My throat was scratchy, I was thirsty and stammering.

It made a sort of disgruntled pig noise, taking a quick step towards me. I made a noise and thrust the stick in its direction, my heart hammering away.

It snorted and moved a little back, and then a little forwards again so suddenly I fell back onto my backside and the soft mud cushioned my fall.

I spluttered as I landed though, the freezing cold so deep my bones were aching. There was something warm breathing into the air near me but it wasn't quite reaching the ground.

I struggled to get back up, my ribs and head hurt the most and I was naked....

I was naked and it was nearly pitch black save some fairy lights along some kind of shed in the back. I couldn't tell what, it was too dark outside. In the middle of nowhere...

Where in the goddamn shitting hell was I?!

The goliath of a pig snorted loudly and aggressively and I jumped and thrust the stick at it again and it made a screeching, oinking noise and now another pig seemingly bounced from the shadows, right past us initially, then circling back to us. 

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