Chapter 136: To Get Rid of Them

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[A/N]  And this is the second chapter ! 

I didn't recall ever sleeping so well before.

Even though the night was freezing I slept fast and sound.

An owl hooted somewhere nearby, long pauses between each half-hearted double hoot, and something, a fox maybe, scampered past the zipped up tent.

All of this registered in the back of my mind, somehow, while other parts of my brain were preoccupied with something else, filling the empty space of concentration, making sure my brain was still alive and working with useless, pointless images.

First we were walking, like before, walking down a similar muddy path, bickering back and forth, but everything was nice, calm, normal somehow.

We were lost, couldn't figure the way, genuinely lost this time and the path ahead of us that should have been straight was now curving and dwindling into nothing, a small soil path eventually leading to more grass.

Everything felt so real, the feeling of the mud tugging at my shoes and the way the wind wrapped itself around us as we walked.

It got dark so fast in that dream, so fast that all of us were surprised when we realised we must have missed the trail and gotten lost somehow, that the path we were following was slowly trailing off into nothing but grass.

We were arguing, and I kept getting distracted by something pressing into my side, I was worried about it so I kept turning around to check.

We must have decided we were low on water, and the both of them went off to find it, I knew a lake was somewhere nearby so I didn't follow them, just fiddled with my shirt and looked around and realised they were both gone.

A brief moment of fear, the calamitous reckoning of the fact that I was lost, and then I saw them.

Soaked to the bone and fighting, I rushed up to stop them just as Atlas slammed Jacob into the tree and the dying bark splintered everywhere. I nearly got flung sideways as I tried to pull their arms apart, having no idea what it was that precipitated the fight in the first place.

Bam! Jacob turned it on him, slamming Atlas against the tree. The lack of daylight drawing colour from the scene and yet his cold grey-blue eyes still seemed so clear, blazing. Anger on Atlas's face, maybe they were yelling at each other but the words evaded me. Lips barely parted, growling, threatening each other somehow.

I could feel how tense their arms were as I tried to hold onto them, pull them apart, hard immovable muscle.

"Stop!" I yelled at him, frustrated and confused. It was the first thing I could remember saying.

Atlas stepped up and Jacob shoved him back against the tree and the the branches of the tree, hanging above us, shuddered. 

Atlas poked his index finger into Jacob's chest and Jacob grabbed his hand and pushed it to the side. Both of them glaring at each other intensely.

I sensed the scene changing shape before it did. Watched a little less concerned as Atlas's blazing eyes twinkled in the dark. Too close not to have their legs touching. Jacob laughed at something he said, not a kind laugh, exactly, but the dark look that followed was different.

Everything looked different, suddenly the fact that they were soaking and shirtless was registering differently, the closeness for warmth as well as a quick route to a fist in the face.

Atlas grinned back at him. Jacob narrowed his eyes and leaned in, close enough that a fly couldn't pass between their lips.

I held my breath, watching, the warmth in my belly drifting down easily to my cock, my eyes watching unblinking, waiting for what I wanted to see happen, to happen.

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