Chapter 18: A New Day Begins

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In the morning I resolved to make my day as peaceful as humanly possible because I had a feeling waking up that something good was going to happen, something really good. I was so sure of it that I was almost worried that I would be disappointed when my day inevitably went to shit.

As I was entering the school I tried my absolute hardest to sneak in through the gates unseen so that I could try to attend homeroom without Jacob breathing down my neck. I knew I was late but how late I wasn't sure. It couldn't be much. One of the problems with living so close to the academy was that I always felt like I was going to be on time so I never rushed.

It didn't matter, no one arrives on time to homeroom, all they do is tell you some stupid bit of information about too many boys wearing their ties incorrectly or girls wearing big earrings and then take our names down for roll call. There was no way that was going to be essential to me in current or later life.

However, it turns out that that's pretty difficult when the school prefect has a fucking micro chip implanted on your brain so he know where you are at all times. Stupid dick.

"Well well, look who finally arrived."

I checked my phone, I never checked before I arrived to places when I know I'm late because all it does is make my heart beat faster not my legs.

I looked up. "I'm only like fifteen minutes late."

"Fifteen minutes is half of homeroom. You've made me late waiting for you so make that half an hour of stolen time."

"Stolen time?" I scoffed. "What are you, some fantastical elf from a magic book?"

"You'll be making that up to me later." He said, his eyes were stern and uncompromising.

What did he even mean by make it up to him?

"Look it's fifteen minutes, it's nothing, quit it."

He didn't budge. "I'll start collecting you from home from now on if you ever come late again. You're going to tell me route from home to here during lunch today."

"Dude-" I protested.

"I need your phone number too."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Why!"

"Your address and phone number were in your school records but your number doesn't seem to work. I need an updated version." He gave me a look. "Or the real version.

The itch to kick him and run was already beginning to grow. I swallowed back my annoyance and breathed out. "I'm not giving you my number."

He shook his head. "You will."

I gave him an angry look. "Look, I really won't. I get enough of you breathing down my neck at school, I definitely don't need it at home."

"My father has employed me to work on you until you do well in school. I won't do a shoddy task of that, mark my words. You'll do as I say."

I glared at him. "I'm so glad you picked me up as your special project, but I really don't need you, I was going great before. Leave me alone and I'll attend class, all of them." I bargained.

"Move." He hissed at me, walking ahead of me in a way that made me immediately follow, trying to keep up with his pace before realising that he didn't own me and I could do whatever the hell I wanted.

"Slow down." I grunted. If the guy wanted me to follow then he and his long legs would have to quit running away like some kind of army sergeant. 

"Hurry up." He barked.

God! I yelled in my head. Why was I still trying to keep up with him! This was stupid, I can do what I want he can't actually stop me.

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