Chapter 105: Three Passengers

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[A/N] Thank you for all the warm comments, I hope people didn't think I was being weird not responding to them. I didn't want to come off as repetitive. So I just soaked in the kindness.

Atlas snickered, looking over my shoulder at Jacob. "He looks so afraid."

"Fuck off..." I yanked my arm out of his hand and moved away hurriedly, climbing up the stairs, hoping to create some kind of space between us so that for once I wouldn't feel this weird haze come over me between them.

The power that both of them had over me was scary, facing both of them at once had already made me do more than I should have ever been comfortable doing.

Nevertheless they followed after me easily, to the middle landing where the window was, warm light streaming through, still sheltered enough for a cool air to have settled in the stairwell.

"I'm more afraid of fucking Heinz beans..." I muttered.

Atlas followed closely with a lazy laugh. "You shouldn't be afraid of fucking Heinz beans, it doesn't fight back."

I shrugged his hand off of my wrist before he could grab it properly, getting unwillingly nervous as I looked around the familiar surroundings. "You know that from experience, bean fucker?" I glared at him.

Atlas grinned but I got a certain I'll-bite-you quality from it.

"What'd he do?" He gestured toward me.

There was a moment silence before he responded. "Broke a rule."

"No..." He feigned surprise, grinning at me.

I folded my arms, still struggling to get past being intimidated, alone with the two of them. "He's being weird about my uniform again."

Atlas looked amused. "What's wrong with it?"

Jacob squinted at me.

"It's hot so I'll air my shirt out a bit." 

"Air it?"

"He nearly took his shirt off in the middle of class." Jacob clarified.

Atlas looked at me. I felt defensive. "I just undid a couple buttons... Did the dress confuse you guys? I'm not flashing anyone..."

Even mentioning the dress made my face burn but I couldn't take it back. I felt the slight shift in the way they were looking at me though and it made my skin prickle.

But his eyes were cold. "I warned you." He replied, his head tilted slightly, the perfectly styled blond hair curling and coming free, glimmering in the light in the stairwell.

My heart raced a little. "It was hot."

"He makes a good point. Let him do what he wants." Atlas snickered as he eyed me up and down with a strange mark to his gaze that made my skin burn. "Go shirtless for all I care."

Jacob looked at him slowly, then jerked his shoulder away suddenly so that Atlas nearly fell forward. "Excuse me?"

Atlas raised his hands as though he was trying to calm down Jacob from biting him. 

He was making fun of me but Jacob actually looked dangerously annoyed.

I sighed. "Come on... It's hot, how can you even keep your shirt done up like that, Jesus man, I feel like I'm suffocating just by watching you."

Atlas blinked, briefly looking me up and down, then started laughing, leaning on Jacob with his elbow on his shoulder. "I think what he's trying to say is, if you can't beat them, join them."

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