Chapter 23: Flick Me and I'll Ink You

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It took him a moment so I was beginning to hope that he had suddenly decided against it, and I also began to worry that this was the part of a more elaborate plot to humiliate me. What if he wanted to take pictures of my face looking stupid? I didn't have my lips pursed or anything, I'd just look like I had fallen asleep standing... but that didn't make me want to open my eyes any less.

Then I felt his lips on mine all of a sudden and I almost took a step back out of surprise. His lips weren't as rough as I'd expected.

I was sort of surprised. Despite having admittedly kissed him once before somehow this time he seemed a lot gentler.

Maybe because this time around it wasn't a kiss and run...

He wrapped an arm around my waist before I could move away but I wasn't planning to. The weight felt nice around me, and he felt warm too. His lips were softer than I remembered and the kiss was kind of nice. The way he moved closer to me and pulled me tighter to him... I got a weird feeling inside, kind of a fluffy feeling, like I didn't completely mind it. In all actuality, despite all my reservations, it felt right.

A weird good feeling that I wasn't used to... I didn't even know how to imagine it.

Which, of course, was a relief... I didn't hate it. Great. Because I'd be standing on this stairwell tomorrow in a similar position... But it was also terrifying. And now my new issue was making absolutely sure he never, ever knew that I was not completely and utterly grossed out by the mere mention of his name. I wasn't used to hiding things about me. I didn't like keeping secrets and to be frank I've always been terrible at it.

When I was in primary school I had a stupid crush on a girl who transferred in from somewhere in the US. We were both really young, maybe six or seven, and I don't think I fully got that liking her was weird because the boys didn't really talk about stuff like that so when I brought it up to a boy I was close friends with and had him laugh at me I told him not to tell anyone and decided not to say anything ever again.

Within a matter of days we were all hanging out and I blurted it out, in front of everyone, with no provocation. Now all the boys knew and I had to tell her before she found out through them. Which for some reason I thought would be worse.

She was cute, she always had her curly hair up in pigtails and the way she spoke really nice. She was friends with all the girls for the first four days or so before everyone started to lose interest. That was pretty normal for our school. Afterwards she only hung out with a select three who were the more popular ones and I felt could finally gather up the guts to say something to her.

I walked up to her, having known the girl for only four or five days, but didn't know what to do. So I stood there for a while while she was talking to her two friends and hovered, she didn't turn around and my whispered greeting didn't alert her so I reached out and touched one of her pigtails. I didn't pull, mind you, I just touched it, because it looked soft and I'd wanted to see what it felt like.

The girl she was talking to noticed it first, however, leaned over to her and said said; "Ew, Akara just touched your hair!"

She swung around and... I don't know what happened exactly after that. I guess I had blocked it out. All I remember was panicking and stepping back and watching as she burst into tears in front of a teacher and pointed her finger at me and said something... It was all gone. I wasn't good at remembering things, especially things that were traumatically humiliating.

I looked up at him, he looked like he was considering something in his head. Because he was preoccupied he didn't seem to notice me looking right at him.

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