Chapter 95: And Then There Were Three

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I let out a strangled yelp followed by something like a scream as I was hoisted up into the air, my stomach doing a summersault while my body was pulled back and lifted up over the shoulder of Atlas.

"Shit, shit, let go!" I yelled at him, struggling my hardest, heart pumping as I swung my arms.

"Shut up, and stop fucking moving!" Atlas hissed as he struggled to keep me over his shoulder.

"Let go! I didn't do anything!" I yelled, almost struggling myself headfirst onto the floor before he caught me and dragged me forwards so that I let out a strangled yelp as I went forwards and was repositioned into his arms, one arm under my legs, the other around my back and left arm.

"Shit, let go!" My voice grew quieter as my face burned, I looked up at him and struggled with my legs. "Crap someone help!" I hissed, the skirt of the dress was hitched up a measure and trapped under his arms. I turned and saw Jacob, looking impassive but deadly as he walked beside us. Except he was still a prefect, surely he wouldn't let Atlas straight up murder me in front of him.

"Jacob!" I looked pleadingly at him.

He squinted at me and continued walking beside us, eyes examining, something dark glinting in his eyes. Cool and cold with even steps.

"If you continue to struggle I'll pin your arm behind your back and march you there, at least Atlas is being so kind as to carry you like a princess."

My face felt like it lit on fire as I groaned, what a dickhead! And tucked in the warm tight grip with one leg exposed beginning to realise why some girls didn't like dresses as well, it was kind of like being half naked...

[Atlas's POV]

Akara struggling shouldn't have been a big deal, because when it came down to it pinning him down was so deliciously easy that I got the impression he was a real softie. Sure he had some luck in PE, seemed somewhat unaware of just how athletic he was for a first timer in Marsh's class, with Marsh settling on him as a target making him do everything more than once.

But it was the simple truth that while I was stronger than, no doubt in my mind, Akara was not as weak as he led on. He evidenced this the moment he flung himself sideways, struggling like a fish out of water, and managed to kick my side as he almost fell head first into the dirt only a couple metres away from the equipment shed.

Jacob caught him, luckily, my gut clenching the moment he slipped from my grasp, and gave him the kind of deadly glare that even made me wince, he was pissed for sure. Grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back and started soldier marching him toward the shed with the kind of ease that belonged in movies.

The shed wasn't your typical garden variety, made for the school sports supplies it was a large building about the size of a break room with mild steel and painted a light blue, had electricity to support lighting but no heating, which wasn't necessary given the weather, but if anything was a plus because of the shade. 

The floor used to be concrete and a centimetre higher but kids kept tripping on the way in, so they had since decked it over with gym hall style parquet wooden flooring.

At this point it looked like a little house, one with little chance of anyone arriving and with the benefit most of all being that Jacob, as school favourite badge boy, had the grand responsibility of possessing a key to it.

Akara yelled dramatically, hunched over to avoid his arm getting bent. "You're going to break my arm, it's going to snap into a fuck ton of pieces and then I'm going to get gangrene and pneumonia and my mother is going to cry at my baby cousin will cry at my funeral!" He wailed.

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