Chapter 51: An Apron for Akara

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[A/N] Day late I know! Had to delay, doing a whole bunch of things on patreon right now and it's been busy. That and my body needs iron baby, got my second transfusion done today. 

Miss Borough was one of the nicest teachers in the school. She taught both French and German and from the way she spoke it felt like she was equally bad at both of them, which was why every time she replied in French to some random question in a really strong accent I had to try not to laugh.

"Pourquoi?" She asked a student that was talking about something to do with the upcoming school fundraising festival, I wasn't paying attention.

I snorted and Jacob glared at me from the side.

"Because last year we didn't want to do the same thing. If we split the class into two groups this year people can choose which activity they want to do, right?" Said the boy in the front row, tall and lanky with rimless spectacles.

There were a couple murmurs of agreement in the class room.

"Mmm..." She hummed. "Bonne idée." She replied, 'bonne' sounding a lot more like 'bun', I scoffed loudly.

There were a couple eyes on me for a second and Jacob glared again, slapping my hand with his pen. I hissed grabbing my stinging hand and glaring up at him. He turned back to face forwards before I could really get a good few daggers in and I turned back to the desk, frowning as I nursed the red mark on my hand.

"Then the question is, what activities do we want to do, oui?" She approached the white board, finding a pen that worked to write down group A and group B.

The class collectively seemed to be interested in two ideas, one was a café in which the students would bring baked goods in from home and serve coffee. Angela was particularly fond of this idea and insisted on bringing the china from her parents shop in so that it could be a themed café. I guess something posh or whatever.

On the other side of things there were a lot of students more interested in holding a swimming competition in which the visitors take part in a raffle, essentially betting on which student would win and small prizes would be given out to the winners.

Even though the school was chock full of the kind of nerdy morally uppity people I didn't like in my form no one was interested in the festival at all.

We had done a paint shop last year, people drew pictures and tried to sell them using the class room as a gallery. That by itself would have been a great idea if anyone had done anything even decent. I'm not an artist and the only thing I produced was the only piece out of seven that didn't get sold.

It was a world apart from the kind of discussion I was used to in my own form. We were all in the lowest sets and I was just as useless as the rest of them, I'd never been interested in this sort of thing and I wasn't attempting to join in now.

So instead of paying attention as they wrote out the lists for which people were joining I paid attention instead to doodling.

My new shirt smelled like cigarettes which annoyed me the whole time. I wouldn't mind the smell so much if it wasn't from someone else's musky self. Ever since the dirty water incident the two of them were staring at me a whole lot more, but maybe that was just in my head. Every time I turned around to look it seemed like they hadn't even been looking in my direction. Weird.

During my intent doodling I was surprised when a student behind me all of a sudden leaned forwards and slipped a paper on top of the sheet I was busy covering with ink.

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