Chapter 82: Law & Order

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The way I was shoved into the empty classroom I stumbled back against a table and it screeched back behind me into another one. The clatter alone should have alerted a teacher in one of the neighbouring classrooms but no one appeared to follow. I stumbled for a moment but caught myself and stood back up properly, raising my hands.

"Shit. Wait..." I moved sideways, trying to circle in an attempt to go around him and maybe make a break for the door. "You know my hand is injured still." I waved it, wishing they hadn't switched from the bandages to the sat see-through plaster that made it look like I overreacted to a papercut. "If we fight and my cut opens again I could die and you'd be a murderer."

He glared down at me as he approached closer, calmly as though he wasn't worried at all that I might escape around him.

"Do you want to be a murderer?" I asked, my voice getting a little high pitched.

He took a step forwards with a dark cold look in his eyes.

Shit. That was the face of a guy who had murdered many people before.

Oh no, this was probably his killing room. I bet the cupboards were full of the bodies of all the students that pissed him off. No wonder none of the teachers next door were coming to rescue me.

"You know... You're a prefect, you fight me right now and you uh-" He took another step closer and I tried to take a step around but he stepped sideways. "You'll be putting the school you represent to shame, the teachers will be just horrified, think of the horror!"

He reached out and I winced and swung my fist, prepared to get my jaw fractured in one hit while mine was on a straight course to make record time hitting his shoulder, which as you know is the most sensitive place to target and exactly where I was intending it to go.

Instead no punch landed on me at all and I opened my eyes just in time for the fist that I was swinging to be caught, not at the knuckles but at the wrist.

He caught my wrist and held it back, walked forwards so that I had to take a step back and three steps later I was back up against the door of  a cabinet, the handle narrowly missing my side. I tried to yank my hand free but his grip on it was firm. My heart thudded.

I looked up at him nervously. "Okay..."

He looked at me, a pointed, demanding look. "Tell me why."

"Why... what?"

"Why you're submitting to Callen all of a sudden." His look was dark. I had no idea why. Even if I was listening to Callen it was all the things he used to try to get me to do daily, the annoying little shit like getting my uniform right. What was the bad outcome in that? Surely the only one getting humiliated here was me, myself and I.

"Why does it matter?" I glared back.

He narrowed his eyes, his grip on my wrist got tighter and my wrist throbbed, my heart beginning to beat faster. "I asked you a question."

I tried to move forwards and yank my hand free again but it was the equivalent of walking into him and making the throb in my wrist even worse. Shit, shit. I would throw a punch but I knew who would be on the losing end of that scenario.

Which one was the worst thing to say out of all of the explanations necessary for it to make sense? He thinks we're dating. I kissed Amir and he's blackmailing me with it. A dumbass part of me thinks that you would care if you found out so I'm embarrassing myself in favour of not letting you find out... you or Atlas. 

I groaned. "I can't tell you."

His nostrils flared, eyes wide for a moment, then I watched as he visibly composed himself, his broad shoulders tense as he moved closer toward me.

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