Chapter 103: The Uniform Inspector

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[Akara's POV]

I got there good an early, so early I didn't know what to do with myself, and while I tried to avoid catching the eye of any teachers going in I'd still have to go visit Marsh in the office connected to the PE hall if I didn't want him telling Mr Peters.

The school grounds weren't empty but even Callen wasn't out yet, puffing out his chest, trying to pretend he was taller than me. Instead the sun beamed down, the air still cold from the night, a thin layer of dew on the blades of grass, the smooth wide middle pathway perfect for a smooth ride on my skateboard, but I hadn't the guts to try to bring it with me with Gift's eyes on me.

I headed off to the PE hall first, hurrying in case Jacob spotted me on my way there. Well, if he did I wouldn't lie or anything, Mr Peters was a piece of shit. I shouldn't have, but I felt certain that Jacob somehow wouldn't be pissed at me, maybe, maybe he would but for something other than me walking around with an un-ironed shirt.

As I headed over I saw one or two of the prefects heading toward the picnic tables around the sports fields. Not only did I recognise them from posters but at least two of the girls wore longer skirts than most of the others and glided inside like they were roleplaying as vampires. They glanced at each other as they noticed me walking past.

"Good morning." The taller one smiled at me.

My heart fluttered a second. She had long brown hair that got wavy at the ends, a small nose and big eyes, flat chest but it looked good on her though. "Morning..." I mumbled, too freaked out to say anything more than that as I accidentally walked even faster past them.

I tried to glance back just as I was opening the door for the corridor that lead up to the PE hall and I almost walked into it when I saw them both still watching me. Embarrassed for something that didn't happen I hurried inside and approached the hall fast.

The gymnasium was empty, no surprise there, and a cursory look around as I stepped inside, my footsteps loud in the massive echo chamber, saw that Marsh wasn't hanging around here either.

I went straight for the little office that looked like a renovated closet space where Miss Andy, the PE teacher for years one and two and the lower sets, who was somehow more muscular than Marsh yet managed to give absolutely no shit what we did in class, told me off in semi privacy.

I knocked on the door, the small greyed out window letting me know that he was indeed inside.

I knocked again after a moment of nothing happening and saw the top of the blurry figure get up and approach the door.

He opened it and boom, there was his prune shaped face, raising an eyebrow while he squinted at me.

"Ah, Kyle. Come in."

I didn't bother correcting him this time, just wanted him to approve my uniform and let me go on about my day.

"Why am I..."

He could look at my uniform from the door couldn't he? Besides, his office was small, crammed with books on one wall and his desk covered in stationary and files, loose paper collected haphazardly, some of it spilling onto the floor. It smelled like chicken soup in there.

But he didn't answer, so I awkwardly stepped inside, letting the door close behind me as Marsh sat behind his desk. 

"Uh... so am I good to go?" I asked, frowning.

He cocked his head.

I prepared for him to say something pissing annoying and was probably already glaring in advance. "Turn around."

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