Chapter 7: Follow the Prefect

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"I'm the school prefect actually. Something an active student might be more aware of."

Wow, the burn, and in front of a teacher too, who raised his hand as though he was preventing him getting more annoyed with me despite me having done nothing yet.

I did genuinely feel a little attacked though, who was he to judge me, alright I accidentally said 'class' instead of 'school' no one cares you pompous prick.

Deep breath. "Actually, I just don't care about student politics."

"You don't need to care about student politics to have your eyes open during assembly."

Okay, urge to give him a big old slap is rising above eighty percent. I don't know when I'd last been to an assembly but if I had been to one recently I definitely didn't attend just so I could hear a random arse student tell us what new rules were in place and how long the "Cooking Sciences" room was going to be under construction.

"Maybe if you had more stage presence I'd have noticed you."

His eyebrow twitched. "Coming from someone who no one here has ever heard of until the teacher complains about late students I think that's rich."

"Different." I replied. "I'm not on stage doing reading out the class rotas every Monday. And I'm definitely not on the daft posters."

His face went a bit red.

"Jacob." The teacher called for his attention.

He stared at me for a while with a look that wasn't quite a glare but sure as hell felt like one before he turned to the teacher, a small smile on his face.

"Yes sir." He replied.

"We all know it won't be easy but you'll be doing us a big favour. If this works out it would be an impressive addition to your already glowing record."

He nodded.

"I think we'll get along much better given some time."

Mr Willow nodded. "I know we can trust you, it might be difficult but there's no other student that would be better equipped to help the boy out."

"Help me out with what?" I needed to not look at his face which I had now decided was really too annoying to bear. Even more annoying than it was handsome. "What am I here for Mr Willow?"

He nodded. "This gentleman over here is being assigned to keep an eye over you during the rest of the school year. We'll see how it goes and if it goes well we may choose to continue having you under his guidance unless we decide you have consistently displayed that your priorities are truly in the correct order and you don't require his help anymore."

I needed him to slow down.

"Him? For how long? Doing what??"

He sighed as though I wasn't listening properly but I was listening properly I was just incensed.

"You will be moved to the lessons Jacob takes part in, you will sit next to him, eat next to him and spend your breaks together and if you need help Jacob here has agreed to help you learn."

I felt myself turning red. "Who is this even I don't want to be stuck to him twenty-four seven! And what do you mean I'll be moved to his lessons. I'm in level three for almost every thing, level four for mathematics! What am I going to be doing in his classes?!"

"Calm down Mr Greenwood." Calm down how about fuck off? Also, why is it he calls the lovely Jacob Bird 'Jacob' and me 'Mr Greenwood'. "You won't have the same work as the other kids in the same class, you'll still keep with the same level of work. Jacob here can even help you understand your work for you if you like."

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