Chapter 177: A Calm Little Moment

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[A/N] I'm late as usual, I accept your tomatoes! I deserve them. All in the name of quality though! It really doesn't feel good to push out a chapter you don't personally feel satisfied with. These recent chapters I'm very happy with.

As always, thank you for your patience.... ( ˊᵕˋ )

I give this chapter..... 🚞🚞🚞 3/5 cliffs!

It took another day for Marsh to return to school, which seemed too soon even then. I suppose seeing the way they stomped on him made me think he had to be on the brink of death or something. Nevertheless Marsh was back, and Amir had returned too.

I didn't go near him, not even to gloat. Jacob let us both know that the video had been recovered and deleted off of his Cloud account and also off of another internal server where it was apparently password protected, but realistically he might have a copy still somewhere else.

His appearance was a little cathartic to see. The swollen eye, the blue, purple and yellow on his face, the cut lip and bits of gauze here and there, not to mention the slow gait as he inched his way forwards stiffly one step after another, even the apathetic eyes that made me feel a little sick seemed a little funnier looking with the swelling and all

I hadn't looked directly at him, so I hadn't had enough time to make a proper assessment on how he was feeling, instead I felt his gaze on my back as I passed him in the corridor, tiny piercing blue eyes that felt like pin pricks on the back of my neck.

Mr Fielding had been standing next to him, hovering with a weird expression on his face, and when I later looked out of the window and saw Marsh passing down below on the school grounds I saw Fielding following him then as well.

It might have been all in my head but Marsh looked silently seething, and a little too calm considering what happened.

Maybe he wasn't as sure as he made himself out to be, but he had to know we had sabotaged the evidence with the extra pill packets he hadn't been taking and the half drunken energy drinks.

The police came by to speak to him during free period for the year below, and while I hadn't been able to go down there and find out what they had spoken about the rumour mill had already propped their ears up against the wall and started blabbing.

They wanted access some kind of blood test results and if he wasn't willing to give them they weren't going to be able to get very far. They asked him if he had his phone with him that night and asked if he would be able to track the devices. Apparently Marsh argued with them and they threatened to arrest him but I wasn't sure that wasn't just the part where the story just started to take flight from reality.

Before this the rumour had been that Mr Marsh had been beaten up by a student and even just sitting in class I'd noticed a few eyes on Atlas as he walked in casually and dropped his backpack on the floor beside him, greeting his friends, but since that information flooded the school everyone seemed to be discussing how Mr Marsh had gone on a drug fuelled rampage and gotten in a fight and lost and the police were trying to arrest him and now no one could convince anyone otherwise.

It seemed as though everywhere he went everyone was aware of it and watching and occasionally someone would walk up to him and ask what happened and Mr Fielding would brush them off on their way. 

Even though he never seemed to be alone, and looked about as dangerous as roadkill under a moving train, Amir and I still ducked a little under the table when he walked past.

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