Chapter 67: A Mysterious Box

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I sat on my bed later that day with the box under my arm and set it down. It was still bright out but it was evening now and the house was cool and quiet.

I stripped, getting into some clean pyjamas. There was a laundry basket in my room into which I chucked my clothes when they started to smell or got stained. It piled up pretty high and eventually I spent all day on the weekend sorting it out in my stained vest and boxers because I didn't have enough clothes to keep replacing the dirty ones.

I turned on my belly as I lay on the bed, my face squashed against the pillow. Everything felt so nice and cool.

I sighed as I turned on my back and faced the ceiling, the kiss that happened earlier that day flashing through my mind. Then I remembered the way it had felt just a moment before I had properly woken up, realised where I was and who was in my bed with me.

It had been really peaceful.

Not strange at all.

For a guy that had problems sleeping at night it was like a revelation for me. It was important to sleep at night, it felt great in the morning, I wasn't used to that. But even more than that, I didn't like to sleep alone.

I sighed. No wonder I slept better at other people's houses.

If I could get a friend to sleep over once in a while, I mean it's not like it'd be any skin off their back, especially Amir.

Amir had five older brothers and one younger sister. Since one sibling was a girl they'd given one bedroom to her, one bedroom to the oldest boy, one bedroom to the next two oldest, and the last and unfortunately smallest bedroom to the three youngest. He hated it, he was in the top bunk and he got hassled by his older brothers a lot.

It didn't matter, he'd say no.

I almost kicked the box off the bed and held it in my hands for a moment, examining it.

Earlier that day...

We ended up stopping not that far away from the skatepark because Jacob had stopped and even though I'd tried to pull him further he just wouldn't move. His hand felt oddly cool in mine, I guessed that he'd been driven here and that his car had a good air conditioner.

He looked perfectly styled, as always, but for once not in school uniform. Even then he still looked like he could have been wearing a school uniform. A dark purple polo shirt and black trousers with a brown belt. Not a semblance of sweat to be seen on him, hair perfectly combed.

I felt a little self-conscious standing next to him. I'd soaked up the sun pretty well, I was sweaty and my hair was kind of greasy and I was wearing a loose baby blue T-shirt that was, although not showing sweat marks, sticking to me. It kind of felt like I looked like rat standing next to him.

"What do you want?" I asked him. This was really not a good day for him to jump on me about some kind of homework or something, and I couldn't imagine him wanting to talk to me about anything else.

"You broke my rule." He said sternly.

I frowned at him, my stomach doing a little flip. "I didn't." I replied. "I mean..."

"You did." He said as I was speaking.

"Maybe I was about to but..."

"I'm not going to argue, you broke the rule."

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