Chapter 112: Akara is at Risk

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[AN] This might not be the best chapter, I think I wrote it sleepy on pain meds. But they can't all be bangers. Sorry it's a little late, I've got a lot on my mind right now...

[Atlas's POV]

Jacob had a kind of gaze that you could feel when it landed on you.

Maybe that came from the fact that there were always people around him watching him, so if he looked in someone else's direction the others did too. Made it more visible. But even alone those cold blue eyes from across the room had a weird feeling to them.

In this case just as my friends and I were headed out of the cafeteria I felt him glance at me, looked at him and saw him turn to look in Akara's direction.

I stopped, narrowed my eyes, and watched as Jacob started walking in Akara's direction.

That weasel was sitting next to him and the stuck up little shit from the year below opposite. At one table, just them three together, getting all cosy.

I wasn't blind. I paid attention. I got that he didn't have many friends and if he did in set four none of them were interested in hanging out with him after he changed set.

Amir was from the year below so they'd never had the same schedule, at this point that made them hang out, more recently than before, so I couldn't freak the guy out no matter how much he deserved it.

Callen, however, I did not get. Did seeing the three of us in the stairwell bond them so much that they're now hanging out? What is this shit... He hated the little prick, and what? One kiss and a chase later they're about to go apple picking together?

I wasn't pissed or anything, just wanted to go over there and mess with him. Get a better look maybe, watch Akara melt into his seat, try to see if the guy looked guilty. He couldn't hide a guilty expression.

But just as I got two steps in their direction Jordan stopped me.

"Atlas!" He grabbed my arm. "Where you going?"

I glanced back at him. "Busy. You guys go ahead."

Jordan glanced back at Giles, looking annoyed. "Dude, at this point you're obsessed, let's just hang out."

"Obsessed?" I blinked.

"You keep messing with that annoying kid. Get some variety at least man, let's go."

"I don't think there's a book out there telling me how long I'm allowed to spend messing with someone." I scoffed.

Jordan frowned. "But it's not like you even invite us to mess around with him. If he's annoying I wanna join you."

"I don't have to share anything." I snapped back. Nothing unless I wanted to I guess. "Don't fucking touch him."

He stepped back from me, looking pissed and confused. "What the hell?"

"Dude..." Giles frowned at me.

"We're the ones that got his address for you." Jordan clicked his tongue. "You never said what you did with that by the way." He nodded. "You've been weird lately and it's annoying."

Giles elbowed him slightly, looking uncomfortable. "Bro, don't stress him about it, it's cool, it's fine yeah."

"Aren't you curious where he keeps running off to with that kid?" He spoke to Giles.

"He's got his own business..."

I nodded casually leaning back, slinging my backpack back on. "I'm making cookies." I told him, leaning in close, watching him back up a step. "We're building a cookie shop together. Working on the menu. So many fucking flavours."

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