Chapter 31: Graffiti Reveal

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[A/N] As I said previously, didn't mean to drag this out so much! Just imagined the scene and it took me a lot longer to get to it than I thought. Some of you already guessed it, at least one or two were spot on haha. Never know what to say when people guess things I'm withholding in stories.

He moved his arm away for me to get up slowly off of the bench.

Angela watched me with wide eyes, as did seemingly everyone else at the table.

"Akara?" She asked me quietly.

"Uh... I have to..." I looked up at Atlas for help with some kind of an excuse but he just watched me, looking pissed off as he waited, saying nothing. "Study with..." My words trailed off.

He gave me a shove towards the cafeteria exit and I gave them a week smile. "Okay, well... uh- bye..." I waved.

They stared at me as I left, Angela got up from her seat and watched me, a slow glare forming on her face. I really hoped she didn't hold a grudge against me for walking off. Although it almost felt as though she was glaring at Atlas, and not me, which was probably wrong. Going by my gut never worked out well for me.

I sighed as I walked, Atlas might just be the ultimate unintentional cockblocking offender.

As I was exiting the hall I saw the faces of some of the other students eating their meals who had stopped chatting briefly to watch me from out of the corner of my eye and I wondered what they were thinking. Maybe they thought he was bullying me or something. They probably thought he was going to extract money from me or take me round the back of the school and when I put that into contrast with what I we were actually heading off for I felt my face burn. 

I'd never really paid much attention to the people in this school, so more than not knowing who people were I didn't really know what people thought of them. That was despite the whole culture thing going on in this school. Central Leighstone had it's own social networking app even, and while you would think no one would use it because it's obviously heavily monitored by the teachers and it's a school app for crying out loud, pretty much everyone in school has it.

I'd never downloaded it because I didn't care about that rubbish. When I saw the prefect posters on the wall I laughed and moved on, when some drama happened I ignored it, and when teachers looked at me I tried to blend into the wall.

Now that I thought about it I had to wonder what they thought of me, something I'd never considered before. Was it tight knit a community enough that I was the topic of discussion sometimes?

I mean Atlas fit the measure of a bully, and so did his buddies. I mean I didn't pay attention so I have no idea what specifically they went around doing besides chasing people but I knew that they didn't make any pretences of being your friendly Leighstone model students. But it didn't really matter, I think, because I was the one that got reprimanded at all the time, teachers here really didn't like me, so in a way it was likely I was more well known for being a bad kid than even Atlas was.

Speaking of which, Atlas looked less annoyed than usual, which was a bit odd considering he'd just spotted me in the middle of me going on a rant about how terrible he was and I was almost expecting a punch to the face instead of whatever else when we got there. Instead he stood there and as I stood in front of him, ready to close my eyes and brace myself, he stared intently at me.

His eyes were really... I couldn't place exactly why they struck me like they did. It was just like he was born to be naturally intimidating, and he was. But being intimidating didn't mean he was glaring, just intently staring down at me, and that was enough for me to feel that awkward nervousness that I hated, that made me itch to make some kind of inappropriate joke to pull his attention away from whatever he was thinking about.

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