Chapter 32: Just Hanging Out

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[Atlas's POV]

I sort of hung there over him for a moment. His explanation of how he had gotten it there made sense but also made no sense at all. He drew on Jacob's face... So Jacob drew on him, in permanent marker. And he just let him write whatever the hell he wanted on him in however big letters... and the fact that Jacob had chosen this. And the fact that Akara hadn't washed it off yet?

Part of me wondered if Jacob was with Akara like that. Though my mind attempted to dispose of the idea quickly enough. Even if Jacob was gay, there was no way that a boring little stickler for rules like him would ever look at Akara that way. I could easily imagine the sort of guy he'd date, someone that pretty much looks just like a girl. Softly spoken, good attitude with perfect grades.

Initially the rumours had been that Jacob had been found with a guy in his bed and his dad had gotten pissed at him for it. I knew things about his family he wasn't aware I knew, so it wasn't far fetched a rumour.

What Jacob doesn't know is that I was friends with his brother before his father kicked him out onto the street, chucking his possessions into the street and ruining almost everything that had been worth anything. For the first four weeks before his grandmother from his mothers side had come to pick him up for him to live with her I had had him stay with me.

I never asked about Jacob, I hadn't been interested. In my head he had been the dickhead brother who hadn't stuck up for Erwin because now he was daddy's favourite for sure. I didn't care about him.

But when the rumour had come out that he was gay too and his father was throwing a fit I had wondered if he had maybe just been too afraid to meet the same consequences. It still didn't matter to me. Jacob didn't matter to me. Even his brother wasn't close to me anymore. I mean out of sight out of mind. He hadn't called or texted me and I hadn't him.

But Jacob's words rang in my head from when he had defended himself against me mocking him for it:

"He didn't find me in bed with a boy, he found me in bed with a girl, with a whip in my hand. There, have fun with that information, maybe you can tell everyone at your knitting club." He turned and gestured at the door. "Now, I need to go and find the little bitch that just ran off."

So what was it. Was he gay or was he some kind of straight BDSM freak?

Looking at Akara made me think that perhaps both were the case. Imagining his father catching him in bed with a boy and whip in his hand only made me cringe. I doubted very much that he would still be standing here today if that were the case.

The thing was. I now had this really prominent image in my head of Akara kneeling while Jacob wrote this on his chest, maybe his hands tied behind his back, being way more obedient then Akara would ever be capable of being.

The thought set my blood on fire.

As I looked down at him beneath me I felt awareness slip into my bones of the position we were in. I wanted to hold him down. I wanted to test whether Akara was into the same thing as Jacob, I wanted to find out if Jacob knew or if he just thought it might be the case, or if he was just mocking him after all.

The way he had reacted when I had thrown him up against the wall. I had thought it might have been adrenaline, even with Akara blurting out that he had thought it was hot, somehow it had been blunt enough of him that it felt more like trolling, or a joke, than a confession.

If I did it again would he react the same way? Did Jacob know something about Akara I didn't that allowed him to write this or was it really just a joke.

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