Chapter 66: The Traffic Cone Arrives

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My face was still red by the time I was done marching back to the skatepark, it was only about ten or fifteen minutes away but I looked like I had run a marathon.

That fucking kiss, in front of everyone, in public, in front of Misbah and Amir, and all I could think was how good it felt, how nice it was, how much I wanted to relax into a kiss like that and just let him do what he wanted...

"Argh!" I cried out again, once again punishing my hair for letting my brain think whatever the hell it pleased.

"It's someone else's fault!" I shouted out loud. Trying to convince the clouds that it was true. I felt like melting into the ground, I could still feel his lips on mine and when I thought about it my heart fluttered a little bit. The clouds drifted past looked back down on me mockingly and I raised a middle finger to floating bitches. "Fuck off you!"

A woman crossing the street, carefully angling the pram in front of her so she could get onto the pedestrian pathway, turned to give me a look and hurriedly continued walking away from me.

Dammit. I was being an idiot. We were making fun of each other here, I won, I scared off his girlfriend, he'll have hell trying to win her back after kissing me as well... and I had witnesses to prove that.

I grabbed my head. What was I thinking? Why was I trying so hard to split them up? Witnesses? What were we in criminal court or something? Fuck!

An almost white pigeon flew just a centimetre from my head and I had a delayed reaction to it, stumbling slightly as it flew up and over the fence of the basketball court.

I kept walking, my fingers unconsciously touching my lower lip as I approached the skatepark. I quickly headed towards the bench where we were sitting and found Bobby sitting there with a couple other lads I didn't know well enough to name, each sitting about and drinking, some vaping. The smell of bubble-gum reached out towards me as I approached. 

He waved. "Where's the others?" He asked.

I groaned and slumped down in the one seat available in the middle of the bench.

"Is that an answer or what. You kidnap Amir to get grub and then come back wivout nothing and- What? You ate Misbah as well?"

I nodded. "I'm sorry, can you ever forgive me?"

He shoved my shoulder. "I dunno know man, cannibalism, that's pretty bad, also Misbah paid for the drinks."

I nodded solemnly. "He'll always be remembered fondly in our hearts."

He snickered. "Yours maybe."

I grabbed my bag and put my phone away inside it.

"Where's your board?"

I looked up as I was leaning over. "Uh- I was really hungry..."

He hummed. "You're bloody well secretive today aren't you?"

I shrugged, ignoring him. I couldn't help it, my head was still remembering the kiss and replaying it like it was some kind of score ball being replayed for fifty different angles in slow motion with two easily excitable commentators screaming; "And he's done it! Goal! Brilliant show!"

His lips were so soft I wondered if he applied lip balm or something when people weren't looking, he tasted nice too... probably the ice cream he was eating.

These thoughts were interspersed with a red-faced version of me angrily stamping my foot and telling myself to stop.

I should have wanted to pull away, right? I should have thought 'gross, that's not good, that's bad' or maybe that's just the way it is for everyone?

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