Chapter 160: Some Light Bartering

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[A/N] Is the bit old or is everyone still in agreement that it's still Tuesday? ( •̯́ ₃ •̯̀)

The meal was uncomfortable. And I couldn't imagine what other people must have been thinking when they saw three students in school uniform and one dolled up in what was a pretty slick looking restaurant. The waitress didn't say anything or make any expression but I was betting that was an intentional thing rather than natural.

The menu had no prices. I frowned at the other three looked wholly unconcerned.

"I'll get water..." I mumbled. I felt like I was going to suffocate sitting in front of Tabitha, let alone being handed a bill that cost more than our houses combined.

Jacob barely glanced at me, but when the waitress came back gave the orders for the entire group without missing a beat. 

"And water." I nudged him just as he was finished. I could have spoken directly to the waitress but it was pretty embarrassing to make it clear I was being cheap as hell. 

Jacob said nothing and then the waitress was already happily walking off.

Whatever, I didn't need the water anyway, even cheaper. And I felt like throwing up so I didn't exactly feel like drinking anything.

When the drinks arrived, though, she put a lemonade in front of me, and I initially lifted it to give to Tabitha, thinking it was hers, but looked around and realised everyone had a drink.

I blinked at Jacob who was now vacantly staring at Tabitha as she spoke.

"Is this mine?" I asked awkwardly, but looking around I realised all three of us had lemonades. I blinked at Jacob. He noticed me staring at him and looked at the lemonade I wasn't touching.

He sighed. "If you really want a water you can get it with the meal. They'll serve water with the main course." 

I blinked slowly. "No uh, I'm fine with this."

"Good, then drink." He ordered.

Her eyes flashed over to me, but she say or do anything.

I didn't realise how thirsty I was until I started drinking, maybe it was the panicking, I still felt sick and I was trying to drown that sickness in lemonade.

I really needed to speak to them alone.

Tabitha watched us when we spoke between each other, in a way that made me feel like I should be ducking from grenades. I was absolutely fucked if she said anything. She technically had all three of us by the balls, they just didn't know it yet.

As much as I tried to pretend that wasn't the case it was hard.

She saw the uneasy look on my face and smiled, turning back to Jacob.

"I'm going to Harvard." She told him. "What about you?"

Jacob looked at her and put his coffee down. Remained silent for a moment and replied. "Oxford."

She pressed her lips together and gave a thin smile. "I see."

"Hmm, what about you?" Atlas posed me the question.

I shifted uncomfortably as the attention turned onto me where I was slowly sinking into my seat with the lemonade I didn't order but tasted too good for me to leave hanging around.

"Uhh, I haven't thought about it."

She smiled. "Mhm, that's surprising." She spoke flatly before turning to Jacob. "What do you want to go into?"

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