Chapter 92: The Gift of Ammunition

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When Sunday rolled around I was already too tired to get out of bed, I trudged to school in my school uniform because according to them we still needed to wear it for the sake of 'school pride'.

For about an hour on the way to school I thought it was going to have some blowout thunderstorm, by British standards anyway, which was really just pissing down rain and a bit of wind. 

Instead the sky surprised us by placing the sun about ninety-three million miles closer to earth so that by the time I made it up to the room we had only half cleared out to be used as the cafe just about everyone was fanning themselves with paper and booklets and staplers, whatever they could get their hands on.

"I'd have preferred rain if I'm honest." Shawn said to me as I was leaning against it, then opened the thing and I fell backwards, got that weird feeling in my stomach as I jumped back onto my feet.


"It's like a greenhouse in here..." He muttered, clueless.

I glared at his back as I straightened my shirt.

Bell walked up to me with my outfit in hand, nicely folded. To be completely fair to the girls and the one guy in the club, they were really good at what they did. But that was Central Leighstone for you, the kids here actually tried and it was hard to get your head around.

"It's kind of stupid they're making us all wear uniforms huh." She grinned.

I took the clothes gingerly and nodded. "It's dumb for sure."

"I'll be in the set four math class." She laughed. "We're selling purses and things..." 

Norma walked up from behind her where she was hovering and smiled. "One of the girls is making One Piece stuff." She looked like she was assuming I liked that stuff, and to be fair I did.

I raised an eyebrow. "What kind of stuff?"

"She got made these cool wooden buttons with images on, put them on the jacket. It sounds silly but it looks pretty nice."

"It does sound cool." I smiled at her.

"You should check it out." Bell stepped in. 

"There's no windows so it's pretty cool in there." Norma nodded.

"It sucks though because it smells bad in there, set four just don't wash or something?" She laughed, then realised I was from set four and her laugh awkwardly tapered to a finish. "Okay so anyway. You should come round. It's gonna be super fun I can't wait!"

I nodded with a raised eyebrow, watching them both slowly leave, my costume in my hands.

I dragged out putting it on for as long as I could, I'd never liked my school uniform as much as I did the moment before putting on those clothes, especially because I knew what it looked like on me.

Instead I ambled around being more helpful than I'd ever been before, helping putting up decorations and cleaning the tables, someone brought in doilies to put on them so it looked like grandmas living room. 

I helped carry in the cooler the girls were slowly moving inside the room, lent to us graciously from the holy prefects who casually had one lying around in their lounge, which we were told had to be plugged back in immediately.

The school budget allowed for three-hundred pounds worth of decorations and items so the girls had gone out and bought some china cups and stuff from the charity store and the rest was paid for by the students, most of which didn't have an issue with it since their parents were paying.

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