Chapter 114: A Bully in the Classroom

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[A/N] Big hug to everyone for the love for this book. (_ _˵)ノ♡.⋆  
I've been a bit quiet lately because I've had a lot on my mind, but I do still reply to comments. If the update is late check my Twitter @OkiNeptune 

After dropping Gift off at the lockers I went to Marsh's office but he wasn't in, the door was locked and the place was empty which was all well and good.

During the class before lunch the teacher left in a hurry mid lesson to pick up a phone call and the order of the class slowly dissolved into that casual state you normally see when the teacher's gone and anarchy is setting in.

Only it was set one, so no one picked up a chair and tried to prove to their friends they could throw it out of the window.

Instead it turned into more of a café atmosphere with random people collecting together to talk and others continuing to study like someone told them history would save their immortal souls or something.

Jacob was suddenly surrounded by students with big wide smiles, curling their hair with their fingers and flashing their eyelashes at him as they leaned in close for free tuition.

I watched them for a while, without intending to.

Jacob didn't seem to mind, maybe. That perfect face turned toward the table as he diligently went through every question, occasionally passing out the kind of fake smile that sent shivers through me, knowing what kind of guy he really was. Those people would have a heart attack if they knew.

One girl, Japanese but somehow more British than the Queen, kept leaning in so her face was almost touching his face and her fucking hands were on the table between the two of us from behind. Her head constantly turned toward him. So fucking annoying.

I scowled at him eventually, getting annoyed.

I got up to move away and the slightest movement had her leaning in pretty much pushing me out, the moment I moved away from the table someone filled the spot where I was standing.

I pulled away, a slight uneasiness in my chest as I glanced at the little crowd before moving to stand somewhere closer to the window.

Nice weather for once, the sun was there but it wasn't brutal.

I wasn't leaning against the window for long before someone came.

Ever have that one student you never knew just suddenly approach you as though you were always best friends, probably sharing the bath since you were seven and sucking on each others thumbs before that. That was Brett, who appeared out of nowhere and slapped me on the back.


I blinked wildly at him. "Hey."

"Are you coming on the mountain trip buddy?"

There was something just slightly annoying about his smile, like he was the kind of kid constantly making jokes at other people's expense so it was sort of stuck on his face.

"What? No, probably not."

"Hmm, why not, you need to come. Miss Westfield is going." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Who is that?"

"Miss Westfield. The French teacher."

I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't take French and I doubted there was a teacher in this school that was that hot they'd be worth spending like one hundred and twenty pounds on a school trip just to look at their ass in different lighting.

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