Chapter 108: Laying Down the Law

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[A/N] I sprained my ankle on the way back home and took some pain meds for it and a side effect is drowsiness, boy did I feel it. (; ⌯ ⌓ ⌯ ) 

(If you're ever wondering where the update's at, I always post updates when I'm delaying or slow on my Twitter, OkiNeptune.)

I wasn't avoiding them exactly. I was just creatively exploring new ways to get around the school.

There were only two more classes to go to but it felt like they went on forever. Only after about half an hour of decidedly not looking at Jacob in the final class did I finally speak. "Uh I spoke to him..."

I smoothed out my shirt, finally buttoned up right, even buttons done up close to the collar. Thankfully at least Jacob had focussed mainly on crook of my neck. Even then there was a bit of pink peaking out that gave me heart palpitations. Atlas hadn't bit quite has hard, but the redness was still just barely visible, my face felt like it was trying to match the colour when I past any odd reflection, not that I could see it necessarily, just knowing that it was there.

Jacob's eyes slid over to look at me, he looked calm but the way he was concentrating on me felt weirdly intense. "And?"

"He won't say anything..." I muttered, fiddling with the pen I was using to doodle half on the sheet and half on the desk as my brain got distracted.

Atlas was watching me too, I could tell, even though I didn't look I felt the prickle on my shoulder as I tried to ignore him.

One glance confirmed it though, and it was enough for him to catch me looking nervous and laugh, raising an eyebrow at me.

 "How can you be sure?" Jacob asked, folding his work away as the teacher began to wrap up.

He didn't sound like he believed me, which meant what exactly.

I grabbed his upper arm unthinkingly. "Jacob don't do anything yeah?"

He glanced at me but didn't reply.

"Seriously, I got this. He won't say anything, he promised me. We're, ah... friends..."

He stared at me. "You're friends." He repeated.

"Well... I mean, sort of..."

He narrowed his eyes.

I laughed nervously.

He glanced over at Atlas and he cocked his head. I looked away hurriedly and when the bell finally rang I smiled, patted his shoulder awkwardly before chucking my stuff back into my bag like a table trick before bouncing out of my seat, heading for the door.

It was about halfway down the corridor that I heard Atlas following me.


I ignored him and walked faster.

"Oi Akara!"

"I don't have lunch money Atlas!" I mocked him as I tried to keep my distance.

But should have known those stupid fucking long legs would take him further.

He caught up with me easily, not even bothering to stop me, just walking beside me, another pair of footsteps catching up proved Jacob was close behind as we reached the lockers. "You got a date with the Queen or something?" He sounded pissed as I hurriedly pushed past him.

"I'm busy..." I replied hurriedly, glancing at both of them closing in on me, the door closing behind us, there were others inside the locker room though, so I was safe from conversation anyway.

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