Chapter 64: All Coming Together

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[Atlas's POV]

I glared at the ice cream in front of me. I shouldn't, it wasn't the ice creams fault. It seemed to melt under my glare.

The restaurant was mostly empty at the moment, it wasn't lunch time, yet the breakfast menu was already finished. They'd advertised a two for one Ice cream Sunday offer outside and Lily had jumped on it, staring expectantly with her big bright eyes.

I shaved the sides of it with my spoon and examined it. I didn't feel like ice cream.

"It's so good." She smiled.

I nodded, looking down at my phone.

Why had he called? I should have kept him on the line longer, figured out why he was calling...

I groaned, running my hands back through my hair.

So fucking stupid. I should have been nicer.

I glanced at her, her brown curls dangerously skirted the edge of the ice cream bowl. 

No, Lily knew me well enough to know that me being buddy buddy with someone was weird. Adding their number was already enough for her to want to call them. It was fair enough, since when was I nice to people and what for? I didn't like giving out my phone number and when I did I expected people not to call me.

"So," I sighed quietly. "How's school then?"

She shrugged. "It's boring, it's school."

I nodded. "Right."

"We have a new teacher." She perked up. "His name is Mr Brood."

"Mhm..." I started eating the ice cream, giving her a look that let her know I wouldn't make any effort to maintain a conversation.

Don't get me wrong, Lily is the sweetest girl you'll come across, she deserves a fleet of bodyguards all chasing after her making sure she doesn't get eaten up by the shark infested waters that are the world. She's also so innocent it's hard to tell sometimes if she's being genuinely naïve or just stupid.

My problem was that over time our relationship had changed and despite me having taken care of her when we were younger and it had become a tense point among the family, one that forced me to take a step back despite not having done anything wrong.

I knew my parents concerns, I got it, but keeping myself from being friendly with her at the same time as not breaking her heart was more tiresome than it was worth.

"He has blond hair and blue eyes." She continued excitedly. "He teaches history and everyone says he's the youngest teacher so that's pretty cool. He looks like a model," She watched me for a moment. "But my friends say he's not my type."

 I raised an eyebrow. "He's a teacher."

She nodded.

"Well then for sure he isn't your type, Lily, he's a teacher..." I narrowed my eyes, wondering how easy it would be for me to head over to her school and find this blond haired dick and make sure he knew that his thirteen year old students weren't on offer even if they jumped in his lap. I didn't trust anyone around her, she was too pretty and trying to mature to quickly. No doubt whoever this was would jump given the chance.

She smiled at her ice cream. "He's still handsome even if he's a teacher."

I scowled at her. "Don't be stupid Lily, stay away from him."

She shrugged her shoulders, stuffing a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth and saying nothing.

I wanted to believe she wasn't stupid enough to try to ring in this guy just so she could show people she was old enough to be attractive to men, but I didn't have that sort of faith in my life. She was just too predictable some times.

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