Chapter 97: The Intentions of Gift

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[A/N] Ahhh! I published the unedited version of the chapter so it was missing the beginning ! This is the full chapter !

Looking up I saw Atlas begin to squint, his cheeks were flushed, his hand on my head becoming rougher.

"Too much..." He murmured, his voice low. "Fuck... can't take it..."

But I couldn't either, electricity seemed to be running through me, Jacob was all over me, Atlas was inside my mouth, I could feel the string drawing tighter as I saw the climax up ahead and desperately drew closer to it, coming directly inside everything, my cum shooting up against my boxers, soaking through and probably getting all over the inside of the thin checkered dress material.

I moaned softly but loudly, it felt like a cry of defeat.

Atlas groaned as he pulled out slowly. I accidentally swallowed before he was out automatically and he hissed, pulling out fast before shuddering and shooting against the sideways mats. "Fuck..." He hissed, gritting his teeth, glancing down at me with a blazing heat that took me by surprise even then.

And by the end of it not one of us wasn't flushed, myself still collapsed on the floor catching my breath, my lips red and swollen, my hair messed up, ideally no more than would stand out, and the two of them standing over me, looking at each other with a returning gaze that seemed to share a revelation of sorts.

Maybe they were surprised it was this good. But honestly why wouldn't it be, getting blown wasn't necessarily a bad experience. Not that I would know.

I never thought my first experience with a blowjob would be giving it...

I still felt his cock in my mouth, in my throat, still tasted it, and it should have tasted vile but it was just salty, kinda sweet? I swallowed a few extra times, trying to remind my mouth it was no longer being abused.

My semen quickly getting cold against me, wet and sticky in the inside of my boxers. I saw a small wet stain peaking through the front of the dress and nearly died from the holy embarrassment of it all. It was barely noticeable, could have been a large water droplet.

I looked up at them to see them looking down at me and my face burned again, I wiped my mouth and tried to stand up quickly but was still shaking.

Atlas looked like he was considering how sensible it would be to push me back down and shove his cock back in there and Jacob was squinting with those cold blue eyes, he looked like he was planning to murder me. Or maybe it was vice versa, you'd honestly never be able to tell.

Then there was a sudden knocking, which wouldn't have been so loud if the walls of the supply shed weren't made out of corrugated iron.

We all jumped this time, I scrambled backwards into a pile of cones and covered my mouth in fear someone would walk in and somehow see it on my face.

"Hello?" Someone asked, sound of a feminine voice, older, probably one of the teachers. "Anyone get stuck in here again?" There were a few more loud knocks on the shed during which we all waited and held our breath. All of us were still, our chests heaving, creating a suspicious image were someone with keys to walk in.

She then finally muttered something like; "Alright, we're good," into a walkie talkie or whatever that was, which echoed back another badly transmitted voice as she moved away.

The moment Jacob opened the door after that I rushed out, stumbling over the uneven dirt on the ground, my legs feeling wobbly, my face marked by the both of them.

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