Chapter 4: Hard Headed

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I looked at him and waited in paralysis.

I was dead.

"Okay, wait."

I wanted to say I could explain but what exactly would I be explaining? How boners work?

Well Atlas, my arteries have relaxed to open up to let more blood flow in while my veins have been closing up and once in my cock the pressure has trapped it within the corpora cavernosa. It's no biggy, well sort of is, but ultimately it's just biology... just science nothing to worry about.

"What the fuck," He breathed out.

I couldn't move, or talk, or breath. This was probably going to be one of those moments you remember randomly twenty years later and you just have to physically shake your head to try to get yourself to stop remembering the sheer humiliation of it all. I was pretty sure I was already developing PTSD.


Nope, no idea what to say, was considering pretending I didn't know what he was talking about but until he let me go I still couldn't shake the feeling I had.

What do you want from me? So I have a fetish for getting slammed up against a wall it's not my fucking fault, blame my maker.

"It happens..." I said, trying my best to act normal.

"It happens..." He repeated slowly.

"It's random... it's not because of you." Was I making things worse? Because it felt like I was making things worse. Was it possible to make things worse? Probably. I think it's always possible to make things worse.

"Freak!" He spat and let me go, taking a quick, large step back before taking an indecisive step forward and smacking me hard in the face.

This time his hand landed on my cheek and it knocked me sideways into the wall which caused a part of my forehead to scrape against the rough brick and I could feel a bit of blood trickling down.

I winced as he slapped me and kept my eyes closed, my head to the side and arms to my side, just waiting for the rest of the beating to come raining fury upon me.


I dared to open my eyes and look in front of me and I saw that he was gone. I probably wasn't paying attention enough to notice any footsteps, either way he was gone with the wind and I was relieved.

Well. Relieved and embarrassed.


I had to not think about that. Like ever again.

That bastard probably thought I was a full blown gay guy now and he'd probably tell everyone that I molested him or something. Dammit.

I'm not gay. Can we get that straight for starters? Ignore the pun.

I am. Not. Gay.

Do I think there's anything wrong with being gay? No, be as gay as you like. Pretty sure my boy Bobby is gay or something. But me? I'm not, that's all.

I like girls, really like girls. Check my hentai collection, I bet you've never met a boy that's bought hentai books before because for real who has the hands to hold them open when you're jacking off but this boy has like forty or something, I know what I like.

However. The small, and I do mean small, exception to this rule... well... It's hard to explain but... for fucks sake... I like... boys that are more aggressive...

Okay, how does that work? Why is that a thing? Do I like gay pornos or hentai or that? No. I hate gay porn its fucking gross, watching a guy stick his rod up some hairy bum is the last thing I want to do on a Saturday night. Catch me watching a girl get turbo engined by some weird arse tentacle monster that's my shit I can't tell a lie.

I just like the idea, I guess, of some guy pushing me around, trapping me, and... well, I don't really know, kissing me maybe, maybe something more... Definitely not full sex though that's rank.

Okay, so here's where I get to the why. I don't know. Probably I'm a bit messed up in the ol' noggin.

I do remember as a really young kid I had what you might call a friend-crush or whatever on this kid in my year. I was only seven or eight. I just really wanted that kid to be my friend, I thought he looked cool, he had money too, new Yu-Gi-Oh cards and trainers every week or month I was totally awed by him as a kid.

The boys played basketball or a quick game of footie during lunch break while the girls did... well, not sure exactly, they wandered around or something.

I was always playing on the opposite team to this kid, mainly because the more popular boys teamed up together and the slightly chubbier or less popular kids like me were left to fend for ourselves on the other team.

One day I argued with the arsehole nerd on my team with the glasses who constantly just walked about the pitch instead of doing anything. We tried to get him to be goalie as for the most part it required the least work but he would just stand there and not even do the bare minimum to stop the ball from going in.

I realise now the kid probably had aspergers, he definitely sounded like it, either way he bugged the shit out of me.

So we had an argument and I went over to the other team and asked him if I could join. They let me join but my friend-crush clearly wasn't happy about it. When we lost he blamed me, I'm actually pretty good at football and it definitely wasn't my fault but that's besides the point, he blamed me and got mad and stormed off.

After school I was walking through the alley way which lead to the park and I felt his fist smack into the back of my head and turned around and reflex smacked him in the head. He was stunned for a second but quickly recovered and pushed me hard enough that after a bit of stumbling backwards I tripped over my own feet and fell on the floor.

He then climbed on top of me tried to hit my face over and over but I held my arms in front of it so he was only hitting my arms and his punches didn't even hurt.

In order to land a punch on my face he grabbed my wrists and pinned them on either side of my head but then couldn't hit me because he didn't have any hands left.

I looked up at him he was bleeding from his nose onto my face which was definitely gross but also... sue me now or sue me later, I found him really attractive.

What? I was young, I'm allowed to be crazy as a fucking eight year old.

Now... well yeah you can call me weird now.

I don't know if that experience had an effect on me or if that just demonstrated that I was a bit fucked up when it came to boys from really young, honestly make your own mind up about that.

I took a couple shaky steps out of the alley way and saw a middle aged lady strolling past with her fluffy Pomeranian in toe and I felt like I was hiding something as I stumbled back home. Well, I tried to anyway, I got lost for a good fifteen minutes before I figured out where I was.

My situation went down almost immediately after he smacked me in the face.

No flashing middle aged ladies and their two year old Pomeranian's with boners today.

[A/N] Thank you to all my patrons, you're the best!

Ṿѧṅıʟʟє -  jiminnieq8  -  Nakiro  -  Rowan Raven - Ray - Orphylia - dianaluvsumore
MidnightMystery2000 - JADE - Allie Eyster - Chandelle -  Alex - Alysse714 - Undefinedx3 -
Lola - Nightstalkingheroes - Emily - Kasilo - Jaylen Lee - Happy_blue - fyra noona

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