Chapter 16: What Happened Next?

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"Well you can't stop there, what happened?" Amir asked me, trying to keep up as I walked towards the edge of the skate park towards the concrete slabs where there was the bench I kept my backpack slung over.

I turned to scowl at him as I threw myself down onto the bench. "That's basically it."

"A random girl, an attractive girl that's way more attractive than you just randomly decides to flirt with you, like wants to fuck not just get a free meal and then laugh about you with her friends, and you say yes and that's it?" He rubbed his forehead. "Don't just stop there, tell me the rest!" He insisted.

I screwed up my face, pissed off I'd even brought it up, but I couldn't have just not talked about it to anyone. It was a big deal! Most people wouldn't think twice about even looking at a girl that attractive, much less flirt with them, much less think about propositioning them.

Part of me wondered if someone had put her up to it but that would be way too paranoid of me. She would have had to know where I was, who I was, and be willing to go through with it.

"It's complicated. I didn't do it." I said finally, watching a kid in front of us trip and almost fall as he skated past.

Amir sat down beside me. Part of me always preferred it when he stood because he was quite a bit shorter and I felt weird about it. No hate to my short brothers out there. Because of his glasses, he also appeared to have massive eyes which he would look up at me with a wide-eyed look that made me feel like I was some kind of mentor.

"I don't think I heard you right, you what?" He asked me, disbelief in his tone.

I put my hands on the back of my head and relaxed onto the back of the bench. "I didn't do it in the end."

"Why?" He pressed.

I scowled at the clouds floating by all fluffy and light and unbothered, stupid bastards.

"Like I said, it's complicated."

He grabbed my jacket and pulled it. "Go on tell me, I won't tell anyone, tell me why."

I groaned. "I feel like I've told you enough, will you stop!"

"No!" He insisted. "Tell me why you didn't fuck the insanely attractive girl from 1st form when she offered herself up to you on a platter."

Because I wasn't wearing my boxers. Because Atlas blackmailed me into giving them to him. I don't know how I could possibly say that out loud so that people don't think I'm the biggest nutjob on this planet.

I shrugged him off me. "I was tired. Mr Marsh ran us ragged in PE. The shit they do in level 1 PE is slave labour I promise you my muscles still ache. It'd be easier to join the army. I bet running up two miles of gravelly hills twice a week is easier than the mini Olympics I had to do in that class. And without my shirt too."

Amir let go of my jacket. "Without your shirt?" He asked, his tone changing.

I nodded, looking over at him. "Oh, that. Yeah, I took my shirt off for a minute and the PE teacher took it because he was annoyed about it or something. That guy must be making up for a microscopic penis I tell you." I grouched.

He was silent for a second. "Mr..."

"Marsh yeah." He was making a weird expression so I shoved him on the shoulder a little, hoping to bring him back to earth. It took him a second before he did.


"Blond hair, scruffy looking, real unhappy, unpaid janitor vibes. Looks like he he never really learned how to shave." I described him. "Always calls me Kyle, racist prick."

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