Chapter 98: A New Assignment

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[Jacob's POV] 

The next day I was sent to clean up with the rest of the volunteers and other class roles. It was an optional quest but one I knew my father would grit his teeth if I didn't do and I arrived at school as usual.

Uniform was also not necessary, but I held a certain discomfort in letting people see me in clothes other than school issued clothing. 

Perhaps in a sense seeing me in normal clothing might allow people to realise I was human, and they had no right in knowing that. A piece of knowledge which might turn people away, or might draw people closer. All in all I preferred not getting too close to people. No matter how close they tried to get they would never know all of me.

When I arrived, though, I felt a sense of irritation. Everything felt inextricably dull without some kind of combative drama following me on the heel. Atlas and Akara battling back and forth, annoying me. 

Instead all I got was Callen fleeing from my presence when I entered the room, white as an apparition, legs like noodles running for the door.

But as school prefect they at least gave me a semblance of authority, and in my casual irritation I may have rearranged the tasks so that Callen was stuck working on the more annoying job, and while the other students were cycling through the tasks he was going to stay and disassemble the stand on his own.

I didn't expect it to be so successful but perhaps my settling the room he was working helped him look terrified as he worked, a bead of sweat slowly forming on his head as I watched him calmly from the furthest corner of the room, hands folded over the pages.

Normally I worked, but I wanted to sit and punish him.

It would have been far more enjoyable if Akara's little friend was there too, the annoying troublemaker that he hangs onto.

When Callen glanced back at me and asked for his next task I gave him a lukewarm smile. 

"You've dismantled it in the wrong order." I folded my hands on my knees. "Someone could get hurt couldn't they?"

He looked at me, I could tell he was on the verge of arguing for a second but thought better of it, shoulders slumped and he nodded. "Yeah..."

"Put it back together and dismantle it correctly before anyone tries to put that away and ends up breaking the back screen." I checked my watch. "You've got half an hour."

He panicked and stumbled back to the stand, screws all on the table in a pitiful mess.

I wasn't wrong, he might well damage the back screen if we moved it to storage like that, and there was a small chance that could injure someone. 

However, the fact was that watching him quietly I could have told him he was doing it wrong before he disassembled the entire thing. Only my mind was drifting and I also didn't want to.

Sweating he wiped his forehead with his sleeve, still pale as he hurried to do as he was told, anxious glances passed in my direction while he struggled to do the work of two people, perhaps even three.

I watched Callen quietly, wrapping my fingers on the table, annoyed by the otherwise empty classroom.

If anything I should be pleased Callen helped Akara, if anything so far things were mostly Akara's fault, and the result had been pleasing, a little too pleasing for my own good. 

A blowjob shouldn't have meant that much to me even if it was my first time receiving one from a boy, however it would not leave my mind. In the end there was nothing to more to say, I wanted more. 

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