Chapter 100

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-Sugar pov-
The calendar set up has been amazing. It's really helped get everything in order around the house. Chores are being done, no baby is forgotten, and we haven't had a major accident since it started!

But it hasn't brought Fran back. She refuses to sleep with Pam and me. Pam has been taking it harder. She's barely eaten anything since the walk out. Fran hasn't been too much better.

She's been forced to eat everyday. I wanna be back together how we were...but I don't know how. Any idea I've had just seems to eventually sounds bad. Pam hasn't been energized enough to help either.

"Girls!" I look at Pamela confused hearing Judy's yelling "We are going through our photos!"

I stand up "Come on" Pamela groans and turns away "Pam you need to get out of the room and eat! You're thinning!"

"I can get her" I turn to the door and see Sam there "Why don't you go with everyone else?"

I sigh and nod at her. She knows Pam better than I do sadly. If anyone can get her to go she can. At least that's what I hope. She needs to eat something soon. I sulk all the way down the stairs.

"Hey Sug" I give a small smile to Madison and she wraps a arm around me "She'll be ok"

I lean into for the comfort. I really do hope she will be. I can't lose both of my girls...I don't know if I could make it.

-Samantha pov-

I walk in and close the bedroom door. I look around and smile at the pictures. These three girls have a picture of everything! I walk over and sit down beside Pam. 

"It's not Kim all over again" Pam sniffles and I rub her back "You won't end up with a shattered heart...You all will end back up together"

"What if they are better without me as the three?" Pam turns to me "What if we are better off if I'm not with them?"

"That's up to you three" I help her sit up and pull her into me "I'll be hear no matter what sis"

She chuckles "We have been through stuff like this too much" She sighs and shakes her head "I just wanna be able to be happy"

"Do they make you happy" She nods and I ask the question that needs to be answered "Do you honestly see a future with them where you are still happy?"

She stays silent for a few minutes "I know what I wanna say" She looks up at me "You think everything will be fine?"

"Of course" I give her a hug "Everyone here loves you and wants the best for you"

"I know" We pull apart and she wipes her tears "I know my answer...Can I just have a minute or two alone?"

"Of course" I give her one more hug before standing "I'll be with everyone else"

I walk to the door and open it. I look back at her and see her pick up their photo. I walk out and downstairs. When I get there everyone looks at me. 

"I-Is everything ok?" Sugar stands up slowly "Does she need me?"

"She needs a little bit of alone time" Sugar goes to argue but I put my hand up "Please give her it"

"Listen to her Suga" Fran walks over and puts a hand on Sugars shoulder "Just sit down"

Sugar reluctantly does and I walk over to Grace. I sit down beside her and pull her close to me. She lays her head on my shoulder and lets out a sigh. I really hope that Pamela stays with them.

They are good for her. She's the happiest she's ever been. She finally has forgotten everything from her past. She finally has felt the safest she has in a long time.

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