Chapter 64

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-Shelby pov-
It's been about 12 hours. 12 hours that Judy has been here in the hospital. 12 hours that I've been on alert with my girls. 12 hours that I've been in personal hell.

"Family of Judy Fabray?" I get up and walk to the doctor being the only one awake "Are you the family?"

"The only one awake" I point over the group of bodies slumped together. I look back at the doc worried "Is she going to be ok?"

"According to all of the test yes" I let a breath out I didn't know I was holding "We are going to be switching her medication around to try and prevent this from happening again"

"Is she able to see all of us?" The doc nods before walking away "Alright, thank you"

I walk over to the girls and smile. Emma and Madison sit on the outside while the girls are cuddled together. I take a quick picture before waking them up.

"Hey" Lucy looks around "Where is mom?"

"She's waiting for us to visit" I hold out my hand to help her up "Come on"

I help her up and we all walk to the room. When we get outside of the room I check everyone. They all seem fine and I open the door. We walk into the room and the girls all run to Judy.

"Hey my lovely's" Judy smiles and looks up at us in the doorway "What's going on?"

"You are crazy" I feel my tears fall as I smile "Don't scare me like that again"

"Don't scare any of us like this again" We finally walk over to the bed "How are you feeling?"

"Hurt but I'm fine" She smiles and looks at me "I'm perfect"

"Yes you are baby" I give a watery smile "I just...I just need to go outside real quick"

I don't wait for a response and walk out. I take a deep breath and get myself together. It was so much to see Judy like that. Laying in a hospital bed with the family surrounding her.

"Shelb?" I look up and see Emma looking at me worried "You ok?"

"I failed" Emma looks confused "I failed Judy and the girls Em"

"Oh Shelby" She walks over and pull me into her "If you failed the so did I"

"And so did I" Madison walks over to us and wraps her arms around us "We are all in this together and if one of us fails...well we all fail!"

"We could've possibly lost her" The girls pull back and I sigh "I just am so scared of losing her...I'm scared of losing any of you"

"You aren't going to lose me" My eyes go wide as Judy walks with her IV stand beside her to us "You guys will have to chop me to pieces to keep me down"

"Get back in that bed!" I grab her hand and lead her to the bed "You shouldn't but up!"

"We tried telling her that" I look over at Sugar who's holding Santana. I smile as Santana sucks on her thumb "San! If you want to do that use your paci!"

"I o ant aci!" She pouts and keeps her thumb in her mouth "I m ine!"

"It's fine for right now Sugar" I look at Judy who's still standing up "You lay your ass back on this bed"

"Fine!" Judy lays down and looks at the doorway "Are they coming back in?"

"I'll see" I walk back out to the hall for Emma and Madison. When I get out there I see Emma holding a cigarette box "What's going on here?"

"Madison is trying to smoke" Emma opens the box and shows me the cigarettes "Cause one being in the hospital isn't enough?!"

"Madison?" She doesn't look at me "I thought you were stoping"

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