Explaining somethings

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There's always at least one of these in one of my stories so it shouldn't surprise anyone. I've been here for 4 years now. I feel like you've all gotten to know my writing style. So onto the list of stuff I'm explaining:

-Blindness: I explained in the beginning she was hot with a alcohol mixed slushy. With the research I did the amount in the cups they usually had on the show mixed with the dye and alcohol would more then likely permanently damage Rachel's eyes. There would probably be no hope for her ever seeing again. It's just how that would play out for her sadly.

-The paths:This story was meant for two different ways, 4 way love story or 4 way love story with some more adult things in it. Now taking into account the ages the girls would be....about 16-17 when this is taking place. It's obviously their junior year because Quinn has the baby sophomore year. So right now they are juniors. They got one more year left so a lot of space for story development and possible changes. I've decided there is gonna be a split. The more adultish version will continue over on Fanfiction.net and this version will continue with the more original way. Unless you all want to see the adultish version (let me know!).

-Relationships:The unholy trinity were already dating now Rachel is joining in. Judy and Shelby will end up together and end up parenting them. I don't know if I'm gonna have Brittany end up in the house in the more everyone friendly one or not. She may end up in there but that's still up in the idea cloud.

-Questions: going back to the style this one applies more to the FanFiction.Net readers. Everyone here on Wattpad kinda knows I continue off stories pretty much where they left off. I'll do cliffhangers or pop up with a few minute to next day cut. It just moves the story along without adding small boring details like someone driving a car for an hour. They stop at sign and laugh at passing cars. I don't like writing that stuff. I like plot and that's what I'm gonna write. To those who get confused by it on either site or app message me and I'll try to clear up any questions you have!

That's all for now! Thank you for reading and I'll see you all in the next chapter!!

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