Chapter 15: Santanas date part 3

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-Rachel pov-
This date has been amazing! Santana has made funny girl available to me now that I'm blind! All of my girlfriends have mad such big strides to help and show they care! Like Brittany with Babs, Lucy with the date using my other senses, and now with Santana listening to funny girl which-I remember by heart every scene-viewable with the scene play on braille! This is ama-


I jump and drop the cards out of my hands "Rach it's just thunder" I nod but then there's a bunch of rain hitting us and more thunder "Why now?!"

"Santana there's a tornado warning out!" I jump at Pucks voice "Sorry Rachel I was helping with the movie but we got to go now! My house is the closest!"

I get picked up and soon I'm out into a truck. I know it's a truck and Puck because of his nervous shaking knee and the truck with how it starts up. I jump when the sirens go and start to cry. This is not the time to be small but I'm scared. I've always been scared of storms and this is a severe one!

"We are at my house let's go!" I hear pucks door slam shut them I get picked up before I know it and am getting run down some steps "You're ok Santana is right behind us"

"Sit her down" I get sat down into a chair and feel Santana's hands on mine "You're gonna be okay baby I promise"

"I scared" I'm pulled into a tight embrace by Santana "I swarry"

"You have nothing to apologize about" more thunder claps and Santana starts stroking my back "You'll be fine I'm right here"

-Judy pov-
I get the girls into a small play area in the basement then walk over to Shelby. She's staring at her phone like it's her lifeline. I understand why though. Our girls are out there somewhere and we don't know if they are ok.

"They haven't called Judes maybe I should go and look for them" She starts to get up but I pull her back down "Judy let me go!"

"NO!" Her eyes go wide at me yelling but I go on "I'm not letting you die trying to find them! I know those girls and they are fine! They'll call when they can but for right now we are on deafcon 1 for our girls over there ok?"

I watch her eyed wander over to the girls "Yeah" She looks over at me with tears in her eyes "But I'm still so scared!"

I let her fall into me and console her. I'm scared too but I know Santana will protect Rachel. They said she's scared of these so they've gone over so many plans to help. I'm sure their training is going to help right now. I pull out my phone for radar and see it's going to be over before too long.

Just protect her San...please.

-Time skip-Santana pov-
We finally hear the sirens stop and I start to get up. Puck holds his hand up and walks out first. He can be a asshole sometimes but he can also be a gentleman. This is one of those special times.

"It's good but there's some bad news" we all head out of the small shelter beside his house and I see the bad news "Your car is totaled...sorry San i can drive you both home"

"Ok thanks" I walk over to the car and when I find a way in our stuff and the movie cards "I think the movie screen is totaled too sorry Puck"

"Hey don't apologize for that it was going bad anyways" He smirks and I smile back at him "Let's get sleepy head home though"

I look and see Pucks mom helping Rachel stand. I nod and walk over getting her. We load up in the truck and head to Fabray house. Or so I thought.

"Why are we here?" Puck looks at me confused and I try to keep my anger back "I told you I live with Quinn now"

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