Chapter 20-Date night part 2

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-Shelby pov-
We finally got Beth settled down and laid out the ground rules for tonight:

1. No parties
2. No girls
3. No boys
4. No sex
5. No alcohol
6. No and we mean NO leaving the house with out telling us where you are going and letting us know when you get there and when you all leave!

"Jeez almost like you don't trust us" Lucy and Brittany smack Santana "Ow! Isn't that some kind of abuse?"

"Just follow them please" I hand Beth over to Lucy "She's being watched by Noah tonight so give her a kiss goodbye and goodnight in case she spends the night"

She gives Beth a forehead kiss before handing her back. Lucy gets up and walks upstairs to her room. I look at Judy who shakes her head. We say our goodbyes and head to Noah's house.

"You think I made her mad?" I look over at Judy who is driving "I know she wants to watch her tonight but Noah doesn't see her everyday like she does"

"My daughter will be fine" Judys free hand finds mine "She sees her everyday like you said one night away won't kill her"

"Ok" we pull up to Noah's and he's already outside heading to our car as I get out "Ready are we?"

"Sorry I just" he stops and looks at Beth through the window "Gosh she's so beautiful"

"Why don't you get her out?" He looks at me like I just told him to open a present but doesn't believe me "Go on I'll get the bag"

He runs to the back door and grabs Beth out "Hey baby girl!" He holds her close to him and I see tears in his eyes "I never thought I'd really do this"

"Well surprises happen" I hand him the bag and a paper "That's my number call if you wanna keep her overnight or if there's a issue ok?"

"Ok" he puts the bag on his arm and gives me a smile "Thank you so much Shelby"

I just smile back as he walks back to his house. I get in the car and off we go. It's date night now. Just me and Judy. I wonder how much trouble the girls are already in?

-Lucy pov-
"RACHEL SIT DOWN!" I watch her bounce on the couch when there's a crash "Damnit San!"

"Uh oh" I walk to the kitchen and see beer bottles busted on the ground "I was trying to put them back up!"

"Yeah like they'll believe that!" I grab the mop and broom from beside the fridge "Which one you wa~"

"MORE GUMMIES!!!" We quickly run into the living room and see Brittany on top of the couch holding bags of gummy worms some hanging out half chewed "NEED MORE GUMMIES!!"

I glare at Santana "You did this" she looks at me confused "You thought you had root beer that you gave Rachel and told Britt where the gummies where hidden!"

"I can fix this!" Santana walks toward Brittany slowly "Hey Brittzilla can you please come down? Before you hurt yourself?"

"Go Brittany!" Rachel is stumbling randomly around the room "Fight the power!"

"GUMMY!" Brittany starts to sway "Gummy?"

Next things we all know Brittany starts falling backwards. I run toward her but trip over Babs, Rachel falls on top of me, and all that's left is Santana. It all happens in slow motion. First Santana jumps over the couch, next she's wrapping her arms around Britt, then they turn to their sides, and then crash onto the coffee table.

"Ow" Santana opens her arms to reveal a asleep Brittany "She's out"

"So is this one" I roll Rachel off me and sigh before laughing "I wonder how the date is going?"

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