Chapter 87

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-Lucy pov-
"150 is you're weight kiddo" I step off the scale and look at it "It's good to see you've gained some weight!"

I just nod as the numbers reset to zero. Mom wanted to get a scale for the house and I've been wandering about everything. I haven't been keeping up on exercise so my caboosey weight is coming back. My cheeks are already starting to puff.

"You ok?" I look at Shelby who looks concerned "It's alright to have weight on you Lucy"

"Don't call me that" I inwardly cringe at the coldness in my voice as I turn toward the office door "It's Quinn"

I go to the bedroom then find my most hot and adult looking outfit. I'm almost on autopilot right now. I really don't care though. I've let my guard down and now look at where I am! I'm at 1-fucking-50!

"Lu...Quinn?" I look at the doorway to see Madison there looking worried "You coming down for changing?"

"No" I walk to the door and get ready to close it "I'm fine"

I close the door and look at the clothes I've grabbed out. It's nothing they'd say no to me wearing so I'll be fine. I take a deep breath and think about this. I could be throwing everything away doin this. I love our lifestyle and our family....but I loved having good attention too.

I shake my head and make my mind up. The pants slide off and I grab the panties. I'm going normal today. I'm going a HBIC today. Sorry to the losers that gets in my way today.

I change quickly into my clothes and head downstairs. I get looks from everyone but nothing is said. We all load up and head to school. I feel the random glances from everyone but I don't care.

When we get there I see Jasmine waiting for us. This is it...this is the first one. I take a deep breath as I feel Santana's eyes on me. I look back at her and I see the look in her eyes. She knows what I'm about to do.

I beat her out of the car and Jasmine sees me. She starts running toward me and I switch modes in my head. It's better this way right? If I'm still able to be feared I can't still be good...why am I about to do this?

"Lucy!" She runs at me with a bug smile on her face and arms out. There's no going back if I do this "Give me a hug! I'm actually trying for once!"

"Why would I wanna hug you?" Immediately her smile is gone and her arms go down "Why don't you go find the special teach Mrs. Osmond? I hear you'd fit right in little ausi"

"W-why would you say that?" I feel guilt immediately when the tears spring to her eyes "What did I do? C-can I fix it? I-I-I wanna be friends!"

"Why would I wanna be friends with you?" I step closer and give her a icy glare "I wish you'd just disappear"

Before I know it I'm on the ground. I only feel one fist connect before I'm let go of. I look up to see Pamela being held back by the moms. I look over to my right and see Jasmine bawling. I look to my left to see my girlfriends confused and holding onto each other.

Why did I do this? Cause I'm insecure? Cause I've gained some weight that was good for me? Cause I actually have people who fully care now? What am I doing?

Before anyone can say anything I'm quickly running inside. Got to avoid everyone and everything. Luckily that's easy to do in Carmel High. It can be a maze sometimes and I've learned where to hide.

Now I just have to hide the whole day.

-Time skip-
My hiding plan has worked for half of this day. I got lunch without being seen and I've not had a accident. I'm at my locker when I feel someone next to me. I look and see Rachel looking up at me. She looks like she's trying to figure something out.

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