Chapter 91

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-Rachel pov-
It's been a week since our acceptance letters and everything has finally settled down. We've spent more time being little and it's been great! But I can tell everyone is watching Brittany and me. I know what they are thinking but it's not real.

They think Brittany and I are falling apart. They've all got this idea that I'm pushing her away or vice versa. We both don't understand why though...Ok I guess I do a little. We do tend to be the first ones to fight each other. It's just that I don't wanna step on her spotlight and it makes her mad.

I know it sounds egotistical but I really don't mean to. I just wanna see her be happy and not just pushing me forward like she's trying to do. She was gonna pretend she couldn't perform after my breakdown in glee when I figured out I didn't have a main part.

I told her not to and she lost it! She said I deserved it and she didn't. I told her she was more than ready for any performance and she wasn't happy. We didn't talk for a few days after that. Now I'm sitting across from her in the meeting room alone.

"So they really are doing this huh?" I nod and Brittany sighs "I just wanna play!"

"I know B" I get up and sit beside her "You miss Babs don't you?"

Brittany nods "I got her for you but she grew on me too" Brittany sniffles and I see a tear fall down "I hated getting rid of her and then the letter from my mom came some time after....I just haven't been ok"

"Have you talked with anyone else about this yet?" She shakes her head no and I pull her close to me "It'll be ok B"

She turns herself into and starts sobbing into my shoulder. I rub a circle on her back as she lets it all out. This has been building up for too long. I hear her sobbing start to slow down and her breath evening out. I pull back some and see she's asleep. I smile and pull her back into me.

Someone will get eventually. I yawn and close my eyes holding onto Brittany. It feels nice doing this again on fully good terms.

-Shelby pov-

"Alright" I clap and look at Santana "If you don't poop soon you're taking laxatives one way or the other"

Her eyes go wide and she drops the toy she had. I sigh cause I ate being this way. I'm always the one who has to be strict! I never get to be the fun parent! I always have to do the medication and all of that. Just one day I want them to do what I do.

I look down and see Santana's whole face red. I frown knowing whats going to have to be done. She doesn't like the liquid stuff and that only leaves suppository. I go to the medicine cabinet and pull out the bottle. I look at it and notice its empty.

"GOD DAMNIT!" I throw the bottle away and pick up Santana "I'm sorry but you'll have to drink laxative"

Soon I'm getting kicked and scratched as I carry her. I have the liquid in my office cause of temp. I carry her in and sit her on the mat. I get out the liquid miralax and the small glass. I pull out a water bottle and pour it into the glass.

"This is all your other moms fault" I put the laxative in and start mixing it "Instead of getting what I told them they got what THEY wanted!"

I walk over to her and start to give it to her. That's when she pushes it away and it lands on me. I growl and look at the water that has soaked my shirt now. I look up at Santana and see her eyes wide.

"Hey She~" I turn and glare at Judy "What?"

I angrily walk toward her "You didn't but the suppository so I poured miralax!" I motion to the big wet spot on my shirt "THIS IS WHAT YOU CAUSED!"

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