Chapter 88

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Myra's pov
I sit down and judge Monica said now raise your right hand please and I raise my right hand and she said do you wish to tell the truth nothing but the truth and only the truth in this court room (OMG I THINK I GOT IT RIGHT) and I said yes ma'am. Ariel (my lawyer) stands up and said ok now Myra I understand that you husband passed away like 10 years ago correct and I said yes that is correct and she said and at the dinner with Carlos and his wife and kids you found out it was Carlos correct but at first you didn't believe it correct. I said yes and she said ok when you found out what made Daniel start hating you and I said well their son Julio didn't like me first cause I guess my husband and their dad is rivals and Ariel said I understand and did you know that your husband killed Carlos brother and I said no ma'am he never told me. Ariel said until later on correct from Carlos and I said yes correct and she said ok so is it true that you and your brother Jacob kidnapped Carlos and tortured him cause you wanted him dead and I said yes ma'am and Ariel said and did you know that Daniela found out and I said no ma'am but I knew that she was starting too. Ariel said here is some pictures of the scene when Carlos was damaged and judge Monica looked over them and said Mrs. Myra what happened after you and your brother Jacob brutally tortured Carlos and I said we send a text to Julio and we left but I think Daniela beat Julio there and judge Monica said ok you can take the pictures back Ariel. Ariel said now the 2nd time you met up with James Carlos other brother correct and  I said yes and she said what did he want and I said he threatened me to stay away from Carlos and so did Daniela and Daniela yelled THATS BULLSHIT and judge Monica hit the desk and yelled SIT DOWN MA'am and Daniela sat down and she said go on Myra. I said when me and James were talking that's when Daniela came and she was going to shoot me but I had my gun and I was aiming it at James and but Julio also showed up and I accidentally shot him. Judge Monica said ok no more questions you may be seated and I stand up and  walked back to my heat and she said Julio Rodriguez you are up. This is really exhausting.

3rd person's pov
After everyone got the chance to speak except Dulce, Enrique, Manuel, and Julian cause Myra didn't do anything to them everyone went on break and came back. Judge Monica said ok jury what did you all decided and there were 3 innocents but the rest were guilty and judge Monica said please rise Carlos Rodriguez and Daniela said wait no what does my dad have to stand up for she did all this not him and judge Monica yelled  YOUNG LADY IF I HAVE TO TELL YOU 1 MORE TIME TO SIT DOWN YOU WILL BE OUT THIS COURT ROOM NOW SIT DOWN AND DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ELSE and Dani sat down. Judge Monica said now back to what I was saying Carlos for shooting Julian Ramirez and almost killing you are guilty, for killing Myra's husband you are guilty, and for the robbery your gang pulled off 3 years ago you are also guilty for that you are going to serve 11 years in prison and Carlos nodded his head and said yes ma'am and sat down. Judge Monica said Myra Rodriguez please stand up and Myra stand up and judge Monica said for torturing Carlos and leaving him there to almost die you are guilty, for threatening Daniela and James Rodriguez you are guilty, and for shooting Julio Rodriguez you are guilty. Myra nod her head while she had tears coming down her fave and Julian hold her hand and she looked at him and Manuel and judge Monica said Myra Ramirez you have 15 years in prison case cases dismissed and she hug the desk and Julian said no mom and Manuel said you can't leave us and Myra hugged them both and said listen to me and listen closely look out for each other you two are all each other got look out for each other it don't matter if you two are mad at each other stay close to each no matter what ok I love you both so much I will be home sooner than you two know it and Julian and Manuel hugged her tight and they said we love you too mom while crying. She pulled away and kissed them both on their foreheads and the cop handcuffed her and she said I love you both don't forget about me and they waved to her and Carlos got handcuffed too and Bonita kissed him and said I love you baby don't forget us and he nod his head and said I will see you all soon and the kids hugged him and kissed his cheek and the cops walked both Carlos and Myra away. Dulce looked at Julian and Julian looked at her and she ran to him and he catches and they both said I'm sorry and just cried in each other's arms.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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