Chapter 1

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(Dulce's outfit & hair)
Dulce pov's
While I was sleeping and having a good ass dream,my 2 annoying brothers fucked that up by pouring ice cold water on me and I screamed and yelled Julio, Enrique para qué carajo fue eso (what the fuck was that for?). They laughed and Enrique said we bout to leave soon get up fea (ugly) and I threw one of  my pillows at him and they was already out of my room. I mumbled can't wait for my own room with a lock and Daniela said me too Hermana me too and I smiled and jumped on her and she hugged me back and said estás emocionada (are you excited and I said sí sí (yes yes). Dana walked in and said mamá tía (mom, auntie) and Daniela open her arms and said co r here baby and Dana smiled big and ran into her arms and Dani kissed her all over her face and I said hey babygirl how did u sleep. Dana said I had a dream I was a princess and she came to me and I kissed her all over her face and said I bet you looked pretty and Daniela chuckled and said not if she was singing and we laughed and Dana pushed her and folded her arms. I kissed her cheek and picked her up and said she just jealous and dani said yea of that singing and ran out the room and I said go get her Dana and I put her down and she start running. I smiled and thought Daniela is such a good mom that's why me and her are so close but anyways I get my luggage out and some bags cause I packed last night and I get out my outfit and walked to the bathroom and knock. My mom walked by and said buenos días cariño (good morning baby) and she kissed my forehead and I smiled and said buenos días mamá (good morning mom) and Enrique came out and I said took you long enough and slapped the back of his head and he said I gotta look good for the ladies out there and he walked to his room and I rolled my eyes playfully and went inside and locked the door. After I did my routine, I went back to my room and close the door and start drying off while I sing to real love by lil Cuete. I finished and walked out the room and dad said is everyone ready and we all said yes and dad picks me up and said ahí va mi hermosa niña (there goes my beautiful babygirl) and he spins me around. I smiled and said hola papi (hey daddy). He helps me with my luggage and I look around with Julio and he said I'm going to miss this place and I looked at him and said me too and he puts an arm around me and we walked out to the car. Bye Mexico, hello east l.a

Julio's pov
While we on the road, my mom said honey did you get everything and my dad kissed my moms hand and said por supesto, cariño no te preocupes (of course sweetheart don't worry).  I looked out the window and closed my eyes cause why not take a nap. My dad woke me up a few hours and said Julio levántate tienes hambre (Julio get up are you hungry). I groaned and stretched and said yea where are we and my mom said we're at sabor a mexico and i said I want the chicken enchilada combo with a strawberry jarrito. We get our food and mom hands us our food and We said gracias papá (thank you dad) and he said de nada (ur welcome) and we start eating.  After we finished, we threw out our trash and Dana said uncle Julio what you doing and I smiled and said just playing a game on my phone and she said ooooooh de qué tipo (what kind) and I said gta and she said fun and sat back. I smiled and thought I love my niece I will kill anyone over her so adorable and I can tell Daniela loves her a lot. We stopped for gas and I see it's dark outside and Dulce said wow it's dark already dang and Enrique playfully said duhhhh and she slapped his head and he slapped her arm and mom said stop you two backs here and me and Daniela chuckled. We get back on the road and I see that we are almost there and I said to myself why not take another nap and I fall asleep once again. I wonder will I see all my old friends in East l.a.

(Julio's outfit)

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(Julio's outfit)

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