Chapter 3

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(Rosa's outfit and hair)
Rosa's pov
While I was swimming, my mom came out running hella happy and I said mamá, estás bien lo que está passando (mom, are you ok what's going on?). She said Dulce and Daniela is here and I smiled hella wide and got out the pool and ran in the house screaming DULCE, DANI and they screamed back and I hugged them. I smiled and said I'm so excited you both are here when do you guys get out here and Dulce said just now and we walked out to the backyard and I said wow Dulce you getting more older and prettier everytime I see you and we all giggled. My mom came out and said I'm going over to Bonita's house to go see her you girls be safe now and I smiled and said ok mom te quiero (love you) and she said I love you too and she left. Daniela said damn girl i thought you were living with your dad and I scoff and said hell no that foo kicked me out once he find out I'm in a gang and Dulce said you in a gang and Daniela said why the fuck is you In a gang Rosa do you know what can happen to you?  I said yes Dulce it's called crazy butch gang and I'm fine Daniela I haven't got shot or set up these girls are my family and Daniela said how the fuck do you know that you trust anyone Rosa that's your fucking Problem. I rolled my eyes and finished rolling the blunt and gave Dulce $50 and said you can go get yourself some snacks I don't want you here while your sister torture me and Dani said no way is she walking by herself and Dulce cut her off and said I'll be fine hermana I'll have the ringer on (sister). I yelled cuídate (be safe) and Dani said now where were we oh yea you cannot be in a fucking gang. And here we go damn I shouldn't never let Dulce leave.

Dulce's pov
While I was walking to the store, I was listening to music but of course I had 1 earphone in cause you never know what could happen. I bump into someone and I said dios mío, lo siento mucho estás bien? (Oh my god I'm so sorry are you ok)  and the guy said yea I'm fine gracias princesa (thank you princess). I blushed and smiled and said I'm Dulce and he said I'm Julian nice to meet you and I said nice to meet you too and we started walking and he said are you new here princesa I never saw you here before and I said sí, acabo de mudarme de Mexico (yes, I just moved here from Mexico). He smiles and said nice nice so how do you like it so far and I said well we just got here today so I haven't been anywhere yet and he said well why don't I show you around Hermoso (beautiful). I smiled and said yea sure right now I'm heading to the liquor store to get some snacks since I went with my sister to my cousins house and he said same I'll walk with you there and back. I smiled and thought even though this boy is a cholo, he is respectful and charming and cute wait no Dulce you can't be liking him he might not even feel the same but whatever life is about taking risks. After we paid for our snacks, we started to walk back and I said so how long you lived out her and he said a long long time born and raised my dad passed away he was stabbed to death so it's just been me, my mom, and my little brother ever since. I said Lamento no haber preguntado (I'm sorry I shouldn't never asked) and he said detenga a princesa, está bien me alegro de que preguntes (stop princess it's ok I'm glad you asked). We got to my cousins house and I said well this is my stop thank you for walking me home Julian and he said no problem cutie I hope I see you around more can I get your number and I gave it to him and he kissed my cheek and got on his bike. Today is a good day and it's all because of Julian.

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