Chapter 9

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(Julian's truck)
Dulce's pov
School was finally over and I gave the girls my number so we can text and talk on the phone and I met up with Enrique in the front. He smiled and said hola hermana mayor (hey big sis) and I said hola hermanito (hey little bro and we start walking and he said how was school and I smiled and said it was good how was school for you. He smiled and said it was amazing sis I made so many friends, the teachers are nicer, and the work is not that hard and I wrap my arm around him and kissed his forehead and said estoy orgulloso de ti (I'm so proud of you). He said really sis do you think uncle victor would be proud and I said sí, está sonriendo (yes, he is smiling) and he lay his head on my shoulder and I heard someone said hey Enrique and we turned and I see Julian and I'm guessing his little brother in a truck. Enrique said hola Manuel this is my sister Dulce, Dulce this is Manuel and I said encantado de conocerte (nice to meet you) and he smiled and said tú también (you too). Julian said where you two walking to and I said we going home and Julian said hop in I'll give y'all a ride it's way too hot to be walking and I said are you sure I don't want to b but he cut me off and said sí, Linda (yes cutie). Me and Enrique got in and Julian drove off and he said how was y'all day at school today and we all said it was good and Manuel said el director preguntò cuándo volverás (the principal asked when you going to be back). Julian chuckled and said I dropped out for a reason so I'm not coming back and he pulled up and I said gracias Julian (thank you) and he smiled and said cuando quieras (anytime) and he kissed my cheek and I smiled and got out the car. He makes my day better everytime but I wonder why he dropped out.

Julian's pov
Manuel said you didn't tell her huh and I said look I like this girl ok don't fuck this up for me manny. He chuckled and said so you didn't tell her that you been looking for the killer that killed our father and I said I told her how he died jackass damn you more annoying than me. He laughs and we get home and I parked the truck and I said hey there's a car show tomorrow are you going to go and I said sí cómo llegas allí (yes how you getting there though) and he flipped me off and I laughed and got out the truck and locked it. Manuel yelled mamá estamos en casa (mom we home) and she said por qué gritas (why you yelling) and I smiled and kissed her cheek and said hey mom you home early and she sat up and said yea today was a long day but I made a new friend she is so sweet she starts tomorrow. Manuel said what's her name while he drinks some water and she said her name is Bonita she 2 sons and 2 daughters and her daughter and son actually goes to your school manny. He said parece que yo también tengo un amigo (looks like I have a friend too and he laughs and I smack his head and mom said they actually invited us for dinner do you 2 wanna go and we said sure and Manuel said necesito una chica de Todas formas (I need a gurl anyway) and my mom rolled her eyes and got up and I walked upstairs and he said well forget y'all. I swear I love my brother he just so stupid.

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