Chapter 53

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(Leticia's outfit and hair)
Leticia's pov
I finished getting ready and I heard the doorbell and I squealed and said he's here red I'll call you back and she said Ok love you boo good luck and I said love you more and thank you and she said no problem talk to you later and I said ok and I hanged up. I open the door and I smiled and Julio's eyes got wide and said you look amazing and I giggled and said you look amazing yourself and he kissed my cheek and said these are for you and I gasped and said how did you know Lily's are my favorite and I smelled them and smiled. He said your brother Diego told me he went with me to the store to help me get you some stuff and I smiled big and hugged him and said you are the best and he said only for you and I go fill up a vase with water and put the Lily's in the vase and said ok I'm ready and he said after you my lady. I locked the front door and we walked to his car and he open the door for me and I smirked and said such a gentleman and he smiled and popped his collar and I giggled and shake my head and put on my seatbelt and he got in and start the car and drove and I turn on some music and we was singing, dancing, just enjoying each other's company. After like 2 or 1 hour in the car having fun, we got to our destination and he said put on this blindfold and I said Julio are you trying to kill me and he chuckled and said now if I wanted to do that do you think I would be all nice and I pushed him playfully and put on the blindfold and he tightened and said no peeking and I said yes sir. He chuckled and got out the car and I heard him open the trunk and grab some stuff and closed it and I was looming around but of course I can't see lol. I'm actually excited but nervous cause this my first day.

Julio's pov
I put the stuff down and run back to the car and I open the door and take off Leticia's seatbelt and I said don't worry princess I gotchu and I help her get out and close the door and lock the car. I help her walk and she said oooh I feel sand and I laughed and said your so cute and I kissed her cheek and she smiled and blushed and I said ooooooh shit I made you blush and she said shut up and we got to the table and I took off her blindfold and said ok open your eyes. She opened her eyes and gasped and said oh my god did you do this Julio and I said well Diego and Pia helped me and I pull out her chair and said sit down princess and she sat down and I pushed in her chair and went to go sit down and Diego said here goes some ice water and he poured it in one of our cups and Pia came and said and here is sprite for my bestie and Dr Pepper for the gentleman and Leticia smiled and said thank you and Pia smiled and Diego said we will be back with your food. Leticia smiled and said this is amazing thank you Julio I love it and I smiled and said I'm glad you love it and she giggled and looked out at the water and said it's beautiful and I said just like you and she blushed and I rubbed her hand. Diego and Pia came back and said here is your meals and Leti said mmmmm this looks delicious and Diego said don't shove it all in your mouth now and we all laughed and she stepped on his foot and he said ouchhhh and she smirked and Pia laughed and said ok we will let you two enjoy your date have fun and we started eating and I said mmmmm this is good and Leticia said right no wonder why he wanna go to school  to become a chef and open his own restaurant and I said ooooh I will be ordering everything and she giggled and said same.  After we ate, Diego and Pia came back and got our dishes and took them back to the beach house and I said now you can open tour gifts and she clapped and smiled and I hand her the bag and she open it and said omg snickers and hot Cheetos you are the best and I hand her the bear with a note attached and it was her favorite poem. She teared up and said I love it Julio yes I would be your girlfriend and I smiled and stand up and picked her up and spend her around and yelled she said yes guys and i kissed her and she kissed back and Pia and Diego came out and said yayyyyy and I put Leti down and Pia hugged Leticia and said I'm so happy for you and me and Diego bro hugged and said take good care of her bro you really make her happy. I would do anything I am so happy she is apart of my life.

 I would do anything I am so happy she is apart of my life

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(Beach date)

(Leticia's gifts)

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(Leticia's gifts)

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