Chapter 81

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(Daniela's hair and outfit)
Julio's pov
While I was playing the game with Enrique, I hear the doorbell and my mom yelled Julio can you get that and I yelled yea mom. I got up and said hey Julian dulce is not here right now but she should be back and he said hey Julio actually I came to talk to you and I said ok and closed the door and we sat on the swinging chair and he sighed and said first I wanna say I am so sorry for what my mom did to you you know she wasn't trying to hurt you and I said hey things happened I would be pissed off at my sister too you know she is very stubborn I think that's where Dulce gets it from. We chuckled and he said yea 2nd I wanna ask for your permission and I said you and Dulce ain't getting married already are you and he laughed and said no too I wanna ask her to be mine and I smirked and said I knew it the first time when my sister met you she would not stop talking about you she was literally smiling and blushing so hard. Julian blushed and said I'm in love with her Julio I know it's so early but she makes me so happy and when I'm around her everything is perfect she calms me down and I don't want no guy around her but me. I nod my head and said you are a good guy Julio and I know we had our ups and downs but hey if my sister is happy than I am happy and yes you can date my sister. He smiled big and we got up and he handshake me and said thank you bro I promise I will never ever hurt her and I smiled and said I know and someone cleared their throat and we turned around and saw my mom smiling and Julian said oh I'm sorry Mrs. Rodriguez I was gonna ask you but she cut me off and said you don't have to ask Julian my answer is yes and he smiled and said really and she giggled and said yes now come here and give me a hug handsome. He gives her a hug and I smiled and shake my head and Daniela scoffs and said unbelievable and got in her car with Dana and left. Oh lord that girl is gonna be the death of me.

Daniela's pov
Me and Dana get to the park and we walked to the lake and crumbled up the bread and I said you wanna feed the First duck and she smiled big and said yea mom and I gave her a piece and she threw it and a duck came and got it and she said look mom they came. I smiled and said I know I see it want more and she said yea and I gave her more and I see Derik and he waved and I waved and he said hey gorgeous and kissed my forehead and I smiled and said hey hey handsome and Dana yelled hi Derik look at me I'm feeding the ducks. He picks her up and spin her around and said hey princess and kiss all over her face and she squealed and giggled and I smiled watching them and he puts her down and feed the ducks with her. He sat next to me and said you look sad what's wrong and I sighed and said my family they are still mad at me for what happened and Derik said you know it's not your fault you was just trying to protect your family and I said yea tell that to them I swear everything I do they just judge me all over and over again my grandpa never judge me he always supports me. He hugs me and kisses my forehead and massages my shoulder and said hey why don't we take a vacation and I said and go where and he said New Jersey my mom, my sister, and my mom's boyfriend lives out there they have an extra house that me, you, and Dana can stay in for the holidays. I smiled big and said really and he said yes I want you and Dana to meet my family and I kissed him and he kissed back and I said I would love that when can we leave. He said how about Sunday night after the court for myra and I nod my head and said ok. I can't wait to go on this vacation me and Dana needs it.

 I can't wait to go on this vacation me and Dana needs it

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(Dana's outfit)

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