Chapter 13

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(Daniela's outfit and hair)
Daniela's pov
The next morning, I get ready for work and I go
Downstairs to eat and Rosa said buenos días and I rub my eyes and said buenos días. I kissed Dana on her forehead and grab my plate and sat down and Rosa said how did you sleep and I said I slept ok what about you and she smirked and said muy bien (very good). I laughed and said eres desagradable (you are nasty) and she said sólo para papá (only for
Daddy) and she continue eating. Her mom came downstairs dressed and said buenos días todo el mundo (good morning everyone) and we said good morning and she said ok I'm leaving for work now have a good day girls love you all and we said love you too and she closed the door. I finished breakfast and helped Rosa clean and she said you want me to watch Dana and I said are you sure and she said yea I don't have a mission until later on tonight. I rolled my eyes and said no deberías estar en una  pandilla Rosa (you really shouldn't be in a gang) and she said Daniela no estamos hablando de esto otra vez (we aren't talking about this again) and she went upstairs and i picked up Dana and walked upstairs too. After I got Dana dressed and myself dressed too, and I went downstairs holding dana and I said I'm Rosa I'm about to leave for work and Rosa said que tengas un bien día y cuídate (ok have a good day and be safe). I smiled and said you too and I kissed Dana and I said Te quiero nena que estés bien (I love you baby be good ok?) and she smiled and said ok mommy I love you too and I put her down. I walked out the house and got in my car and drove off. Let's see if today is a good day.

(Dana's outfit)

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(Dana's outfit)

Dulce's pov
I get up and stretch and went down stairs to eat breakfast and dad said bueno días cariño (good morning sweetheart) and I said bueno días and sat next to Enrique with my plate. Yes I am still mad at my dad as y'all can tell he totally hid a secret from this family not just him but Julio and he supposed to be mature. Dad clears his throat and said quieres que los lleve a ambos la escuela (do you want me to give you both a ride to school) and I said no it's ok we'll walk and he said Dulce I'm but I cut him off and said don't and I wash off my dishes and walk upstairs so I can shower and get ready for school. After I finished my routine, I put on my outfit and shoes and get my backpack and walked out and yelled Enrique estás listo (you ready?)  and he said sí (yes) and came out his room. We walked downstairs and I said bye and I walked out and Enrique said lo siento hermana (I'm sorry sister) and I smiled and wrapped an arm around him and said nunca puedo estar enojado contigo (I cant ever be mad at you). He smiled and said I love you and I said I love you too and he said do you think he really murdered someone and I sighed and said nunca lo sabremos (we will never know). While we were walking, a car pulls up and I notice it's Julian and I smiled and said hola Julian and he said hey princess wassup Enrique and Enrique said hey and Julian said y'all need a ride since y'all and my brother go to the same school and we said sure and got in. Manuel said wassup Enrique and they handshake and was talking and Julian whispered creo que nuestros hermanos son majores amigos (I think our brothers are best friends).  I turned to look at them and said I'm glad they get along and Julian smiles and said me too Manuel needs someone like your brother in his life I don't know about those he call his friends they're dangerous. I rub his hand and he holds it and kiss my hand and I blush and smiled and we pulled up to the school and I said gracias Julian (thank you) and he said tu belleza de bienvenida (your welcome beautiful).  He is so sweet I can't resist him.

  He is so sweet I can't resist him

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(Dulce's outfit & hair)

Daddy I'm in love with a gangsta (cholo love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu